18-12-2003, 17:52
what are the libertarian government types apart from anarchy, capitalizt, cap. paradise and corp bordello?
i want to get mine to change from anarchy to cap. paradise. civil = excessive, economy = powerhouse, political = world benchmark. what should i look to change?
Use this to help you.
19-12-2003, 00:14
what are the libertarian government types apart from anarchy, capitalizt, cap. paradise and corp bordello?
i want to get mine to change from anarchy to cap. paradise. civil = excessive, economy = powerhouse, political = world benchmark. what should i look to change?
Actually, By the Aelenti definitions (, the last two are not libertarian.
I would argue that Corporate Bordello and Civil Rights Lovefest are slight varients of librtarian governments (Capitalist Paradise is definitely not), although the only two truely libertarian GTs are Anarchy and Capitalizt.
If you want to get what you are aiming for though, you'll probably need an Anarchy or a Civil Rights Lovefest, as Civil Rights and Civil Freedoms, and Political Freedoms and its counterpart, seem to be pretty closely linked. Economy and Economic freedoms are the only significantly detached ones, and even then, the highest that I have ever heard of on a low EF rating was powerhouse. Of course judging by your UN tenedencies, I'd say you'll need an Anarchy.
19-12-2003, 04:25
thanks guys this is really helpful.
guess i have to stick with being ruled by biker gangs :(