What does the "Cloning Research Promises New Breakthrough" issue efect?
26-11-2003, 01:28
Your rating in the tech/science UN poll, mebbe?
I'm goin' to Wichita...
I'm so groovy.
I keep getting it and want to make sure i'm not screwing anything up.
Emperor Matthuis
26-11-2003, 21:27
this issue is boring and doesn't really affect your stats it is one of the few issues that is just your view and doen't effect your country in a big way
Emperor Matthuis
26-11-2003, 21:28
this issue is boring and doesn't really affect your stats it is one of the few issues that is just your view and doen't effect your country in a big way
Emperor Matthuis
26-11-2003, 21:29
sorry about the double post