11-11-2003, 00:41
I forgot the title when I saved the main text, but I already submitted it. I think it was Friday when I did it, but I decided to post it here to see what you all think. It is about illegal downloading of music.
The intro talks about how people want to ban downloading music (which I also forgot to save but already submitted).
[option] @@RANDOMNAME@@, the lead singer of Steeltalica, a heavy metal rock band, agrees with the idea. "People should have to buy our music at stores, for 13 @@CURRENCY@@'s like they always do! How can I afford that 14th mansion with people getting my music for free?"
[effects] Free downloading of music is banned and perpetrators are fined
[stats]Small increase for economy, decrease for civil rights.
[option] The creator of free music downloader Kazster, @@RANDOMNAME@@ disagrees. "Music should be allowed to be downloaded from my program, man. People don't want to pay ridiculous prices for their CD's. Besides, people will get free music some other way."
[effects]People download millions of songs daily from free music programs
[stats]Economy does not change, increase in civil rights.
[option] "Hey, I've got a swell idea." says @@RANDOMNAME@@, a government supporter. "Why don't we make them pay five @@CURRENCY@@'s every month for Kazster. All money would go to the government, of course."
[effects]People pay the government to download music off the internet
[stats]Civil rights go up a little, economy also goes up alot
[option] Finally, @@RANDOMNAME@@ finds an alternative that might appeal for downloaders and muscians both. "Why don't we make them pay the five @@CURRENCY@@'s, but then give the money to the muscians. People wouldn't have to pay as much for CD's. Everybody would be happy!"
[effects]People pay a small price to download music
[stats]Civil rights go up a little
The intro talks about how people want to ban downloading music (which I also forgot to save but already submitted).
[option] @@RANDOMNAME@@, the lead singer of Steeltalica, a heavy metal rock band, agrees with the idea. "People should have to buy our music at stores, for 13 @@CURRENCY@@'s like they always do! How can I afford that 14th mansion with people getting my music for free?"
[effects] Free downloading of music is banned and perpetrators are fined
[stats]Small increase for economy, decrease for civil rights.
[option] The creator of free music downloader Kazster, @@RANDOMNAME@@ disagrees. "Music should be allowed to be downloaded from my program, man. People don't want to pay ridiculous prices for their CD's. Besides, people will get free music some other way."
[effects]People download millions of songs daily from free music programs
[stats]Economy does not change, increase in civil rights.
[option] "Hey, I've got a swell idea." says @@RANDOMNAME@@, a government supporter. "Why don't we make them pay five @@CURRENCY@@'s every month for Kazster. All money would go to the government, of course."
[effects]People pay the government to download music off the internet
[stats]Civil rights go up a little, economy also goes up alot
[option] Finally, @@RANDOMNAME@@ finds an alternative that might appeal for downloaders and muscians both. "Why don't we make them pay the five @@CURRENCY@@'s, but then give the money to the muscians. People wouldn't have to pay as much for CD's. Everybody would be happy!"
[effects]People pay a small price to download music
[stats]Civil rights go up a little