30-10-2003, 10:10
I think Nationstates needs a football/soccer event!
For example:
@@NAME@@ 's soccer team has failed to qualify for the World Cup. Male citizens around @@NAME@@ are demanding the govermant take actions!
Option A: David Beckpork , captain of @@NAME@@ 's national team has vented his feeling publicly: "Our salary is way lower, than of those who have qualified! We need higher wages to be motivated for qualifying. Give us govement funds!"
Option B: "Football players should support themselves, like everyone else," replies Emeric Bosock, spokesperson for the National Capitalism Party of @@NAME@@ . "The suffering taxpayers should be given a break. In fact, we should abolish all government subsidies for special interest groups."
Option C: "Soccer players ?? Who needs them?!" sais John Masaryk, chairman of the National Basketball Association for your country. "The football national team failed to qualify to the world cup ? Then @@NAME@@ don't need a football national team at all! If the people of @@NAME@@ want to watch @@NAME@@'s national team playing well on World Cups, than they should watch basketball! Ban football, soccer whatever it's name is anyways!"
For example:
@@NAME@@ 's soccer team has failed to qualify for the World Cup. Male citizens around @@NAME@@ are demanding the govermant take actions!
Option A: David Beckpork , captain of @@NAME@@ 's national team has vented his feeling publicly: "Our salary is way lower, than of those who have qualified! We need higher wages to be motivated for qualifying. Give us govement funds!"
Option B: "Football players should support themselves, like everyone else," replies Emeric Bosock, spokesperson for the National Capitalism Party of @@NAME@@ . "The suffering taxpayers should be given a break. In fact, we should abolish all government subsidies for special interest groups."
Option C: "Soccer players ?? Who needs them?!" sais John Masaryk, chairman of the National Basketball Association for your country. "The football national team failed to qualify to the world cup ? Then @@NAME@@ don't need a football national team at all! If the people of @@NAME@@ want to watch @@NAME@@'s national team playing well on World Cups, than they should watch basketball! Ban football, soccer whatever it's name is anyways!"