Heikoku 2
07-05-2009, 01:51
Okay, that was the post that was moderated. Yet I got called the same by Glorious Freedonia and others, and it never got moderated. So, why is that?
07-05-2009, 03:51
I doubt you're seriously advancing the "he did it too" argument, but for the sake of the exercise, I'll give the standard reply to it: you danced, you pay the piper.
You and New Mitanni got a three-day ban, not just for your specific choice of words and phrases, but also for your inability to keep your personal feud out of the forum. You and New Mitanni have been warned before, but chose to continue. You and New Mittanni can slag each other off all you like, elsewhere; but keep on doing it on NS forums, and you're toast.
This also applies to any other of your past or current targets. You are not allowed to take any topic and turn it into an excuse to abuse another player.