Questionable Image
04-05-2009, 03:19
I know we're banned from having Swastikas in our nation flags I don't know if this is allowed or not ?
04-05-2009, 03:34
In the context of an RP thread it's ok, as far as I recall, so long as it's not abused.
Reploid Productions
04-05-2009, 07:05
The problem with swastikas on flags is that they cannot be argued or debated. Stuff on the forums, on the other hand, can be countered, argued, debated, and so on. But like Kat says, better not to abuse it.
04-05-2009, 10:39
That's just it. It's a Swastika on a flag for an "alliance" for Fascists, which is self explanatory. I do find it amusing they combined a Imperial Russian eagle with the iron cross/swastika though kind of ironic.
04-05-2009, 11:56
The point is, it can be replied to, both IC and OOC. Swastika-bearing flags on nation pages can't, but this one has an RPd existence and RPers can deal with it without mod intervention.
The Grand World Order
05-05-2009, 03:04
I do have a question out of curiosity as to why the Swastika is banned but the Hammer and Sickle isn't. Doesn't have to be answered, just personal curiosity.
05-05-2009, 03:16
To protect you from the slings and arrows of outrageous (and outraged) posters:
It's been asked many times. Here (
Blouman Empire
05-05-2009, 03:19
I do have a question out of curiosity as to why the Swastika is banned but the Hammer and Sickle isn't. Doesn't have to be answered, just personal curiosity.
Because know one gives a shit about the 22 million Stalin killed people only care about the 6 million Jews and since the swastika is by and large linked with NAZI's and thanks to the media and continual propaganda as well as school curriculums the NAZI's are the most evil force that has ever been around and they only did bad things.
There will also be reasons about the hammer and sickle simply being a symbol purely of political idealogy where as a Swastika refers to other things as well.
Actually I have a question as well, can a reversed Swastika be placed in a flag? After all when it is reversed it is a Hindu symbol.
05-05-2009, 03:21
Actually I have a question as well, can a reversed Swastika be placed in a flag? After all when it is reversed it is a Hindu symbol.
No. Please read the link in the post directly above yours.
Blouman Empire
05-05-2009, 03:23
No. Please read the link in the post directly above yours.
I was typing my reply as you posted yours. I was just looking at it while you posted this and I saw the reasons why.
05-05-2009, 03:29
K, sorry about that.
05-05-2009, 12:08
The Swastika in the form it is on the flag is purely a Nazi Symbol which it is a known fact Nazi's or at least the Nazi leadership sought to exterminate Jews, gypsies, homosexuals etc because they deemed them sub-human.
If you had made a flag bearing a face of Stalin, Mao along with others etc I would be equally troubled. I'm also not fond of the Sickle and Hammer since It was used both by Stalin and other groups like the DPRK's party flag which NK's ruling party is another gross human rights violator.
I personally have no issue with the Swastika as depicted in Hindu/Asian art or other Fascist symbols IE Fasces, Runes, etc.
Anyways, this is moderation if anyone wishes to continue this subject then they can TG me, or msg me over MSN.
05-05-2009, 22:57
More to the point, [violet] made a ruling on it. Given she's pretty much the highest authority here besides Max himself, you can take it as gospel.