Off topic
Quintessence of Dust
27-04-2009, 23:42
From post #110, gets into irrelevant discussion of mechanics issues. Should be split off to prevent discussion of the proposal being derailed.
28-04-2009, 00:13
It seems rather on topic.
Quintessence of Dust
28-04-2009, 00:17
How? The topic is the repeal of a free trade resolution, the comment was that the voter doesn't care about the topic but is voting because of a mechanics issue. They go on to ask what Social Justice resolutions do (I'd suggest they read the stickies, but this has long since stopped seeming like a vague possibility).
If they wish to discuss what particular categories do, they can do so; I personally don't feel it should be in the at vote topic, which should be about the actual resolution at vote.
EDIT: I guess it doesn't really matter, it's just Unibot hijacks pretty much every WA thread he posts in and it's getting tiresome to be lectured on what the rules of the game should be by someone incapable of abiding by the rules as they are now.
I guess it doesn't really matter, it's just Unibot hijacks pretty much every WA thread he posts in and it's getting tiresome to be lectured on what the rules of the game should be by someone incapable of abiding by the rules as they are now.
That's is true. Well, sorry to post off topic, I just thought Glen-Rhodes was on at the time and I might as well ask - Social Justice isn't the most popular category (or at least in my WA experience) and therefore I skimread it whilst doing my stickie research.
But on that note Qod, how many people that seek change like the way it is now? - I mean, isn't that a bit of paradox. I don't hate the rules, it just seems at time like they deserve an explanation - because we weren't all around when these decisions were made.
But now I'm hijacking my own "Unibot is hijacking" thread, so I'd better stop before the irony gets to be unbearable. :blush:
Sorry again.