NationStates Jolt Archive

The way that people on this site speak to me is not okay.

20-02-2009, 03:36
A moderator came into that thread and saw the way i was being treated, and just locked it.

That's not sufficient. I am actually going to have to demand that she take some proper action against the worst offenders.
Neo Art
20-02-2009, 03:36
I have a feeling that proper action against the worst offenders will be coming along any minute now.

Popcorn anyone?
20-02-2009, 03:36
That's going to end well.
20-02-2009, 03:36
Such as?
Holy Paradise
20-02-2009, 03:37
A moderator came into that thread and saw the way i was being treated, and just locked it.

That's not sufficient. I am actually going to have to demand that she take some proper action against the worst offenders.

Wrong forum, take it up in the "Moderation" forum.
Sgt Toomey
20-02-2009, 03:37
Love is a battlefield. Try mod forum.
Neo Art
20-02-2009, 03:37
That's going to end well.

GnI since we got locked out, tell me what you were thinking?
Holy Paradise
20-02-2009, 03:37
I have a feeling that proper action against the worst offenders will be coming along any minute now.

Popcorn anyone?

Yes, he just walked the lions' den.
20-02-2009, 03:37
Sorry, Mr. Fap.
Sgt Toomey
20-02-2009, 03:38
The worst offenders shall be judged by somebody who has voiced that the treatment of Scientologists in Germany is equal to the persecution of the Jews, and has termed it the "Thought Holocaust".

We're in trouble now, Pine Marten.
Saint Clair Island
20-02-2009, 03:38
Wrong forum, btw.

edit: beaten.
Heikoku 2
20-02-2009, 03:38
She should ban them unless they apologise within the next five minutes.

Ooo! Ban me! Ban me!
20-02-2009, 03:38
GnI since we got locked out, tell me what you were thinking?

expect a TG
Heikoku 2
20-02-2009, 03:39
expect a TG

I wanna know too.
Saint Clair Island
20-02-2009, 03:40
No. This has to be said here where all the people can see it.

I can't be the only newcomer who repeteadly gets bullied. This is a chance for everyone to speak out.

there are rules about where complaints and requests for moderation assistance should go. Making it "public" doesn't change anything. People can still see it in the moderation forum. And you'd get fewer annoying replies from people like me, especially if you mark it "mods only".
Heikoku 2
20-02-2009, 03:40
I didn't do anything to deserve this treatment. It's not okay that you should get away with this.

I'll be right on your side if you pay me to.
Sgt Toomey
20-02-2009, 03:40
She should ban them unless they apologise within the next five minutes.

Are you doing coke again?
Gun Manufacturers
20-02-2009, 03:40
I have a feeling that proper action against the worst offenders will be coming along any minute now.

Popcorn anyone?

Is it butter flavored?
Saint Clair Island
20-02-2009, 03:41
I wanna know too.

I'm never in on the secret. :( Send it to me too! Please?
Sgt Toomey
20-02-2009, 03:41
there are rules about where complaints and requests for moderation assistance should go. Making it "public" doesn't change anything. People can still see it in the moderation forum. And you'd get fewer annoying replies from people like me, especially if you mark it "mods only".

He should also post his Passport and driver's license, to make things official.
Sgt Toomey
20-02-2009, 03:41
Thought Genocide, not Thought holocaust.

Yes, that makes much more sense.
20-02-2009, 03:42
I dunno. Recently NSG's flame shield seemed to have gone down making anyone fair game. At the end of the day, this is the Internet. What is said here should not affect you in the slightest in real life.
Gun Manufacturers
20-02-2009, 03:42
A moderator came into that thread and saw the way i was being treated, and just locked it.

That's not sufficient. I am actually going to have to demand that she take some proper action against the worst offenders.
Lunatic Goofballs
20-02-2009, 03:42
I'm sorry I couldn't find you an acceptable nickname.
20-02-2009, 03:45
F*ck you. I bet you're one of the anonymous people that follow me around and sent that menacing letter to my house. You're pathetic.

As others have mentioned, you'll need to take your dispute with Ardchoille's action to Moderation.

Edit: Also, you may wish to review the One-Stop Rules Shop. The behavior of others ain't great, but neither is yours at the moment.

NationStates Forum Moderator
Neo Art
20-02-2009, 03:54

Oh this is gonna be GOOD
Sgt Toomey
20-02-2009, 04:00
On second thoughts just disregard this.

Several people with high post counts seem to have decided that i'm a "troll". Possibly some old poster returning or something, they're being very cryptic.

Every single post i make is met with ridicule, and i'm just getting sick of it.

This is not an enjoyable forum to post in, and it seems like the "regs" harve cate blance to treat new people like me any way they want.

I wont be coming back this time.

I'm starting to suspect you're actualy Neo Art, based on the underlined part...

But if you're not, maybe try this: Come back under a different name, and post a few threads. Like your bond one, or other things that interest you.

If eventually people keep coming at you, it might be you. If they don't, you've shed old baggage and you can enjoy the forum.
Gun Manufacturers
20-02-2009, 04:02
That nickname thread was presumably locked because of the way people were talking to and about me. Even in the face of such pettiness i didn't say a negative thing about anyone, so i can hardly be at fault.

I demand that some action be taken against the worst offenders. Locking a thread doesn't make any kind of a statement on their behaviour.

You bring a lot of this on yourself. You posted a bloggy post talking about getting every unlock/accolade/etc in a game, make a big deal about it, then when people tell you tell you that they don't care, you tell them that you know better than them, that they DO care. Also, you speak down to everyone, which tends to alienate everyone.

You also seem to be overly sensitive towards any opinion that isn't inline with yours.
Lunatic Goofballs
20-02-2009, 04:04
I think the going theory is that your entire persona is an act designed to antagonize responses of this nature from people. A Stealth Troll, if you will.
20-02-2009, 05:29
Where is that mod in the witches hat. She was here a minute ago.

The mod in the witch's hat is regrettably obliged to earn a living. My thanks to my colleagues who dealt with this while I handled the after-lunch rush here.

She locked the thread, so obviously she knows something wasn't right.
Correct. Spam. Check the One-Stop Rules Shop. Link in my sig.