Character RPs in non-NS worlds
12-01-2009, 08:04
MODEDIT: Split from this thread (
Not to intentionally deviate this thread from it's original purpose, since the ruling on alternate history RP's has been brought up it brings to mind another question. Presumably, as Sarzonia said, Alternate history RPs are banned because they do not include your NS nation. This being said, however, how come we still allow character RPs of superheros, like this thread ( or this thread ( for example? It seems to me that neither of these threads even relate to the nationstates world, much less to the individual nations, and it would seem to fall as the same reason that we are banned from creating alternate history RPs. I ask not to prod the mods into unbanning alternate history rps or anything, but in reality because I am simply curious.
12-01-2009, 15:24
The question of character RPs and their "NS-ness" comes up repeatedly. Here's ( a thread in which several mods expressed views on the topic after a query about a blatantly Warhammer 40K RP.
In practice, mods can't read every thread, so we act only on the ones players tell us about or the ones we notice while browsing the forums. Then, too, we don't all see every available movie, play, book, game or anime that could be the basis for an RP, so some that seem blatant fanfic to you may seem legit RP to me, simply because I've never seen it before.
On the ones you've specified, the OOC planning one could be legal or not, depending on how it's played out. I've posted to that effect in the planning thread and linked them to this discussion.
The second (the 75-odd pager) looks at a glance like a well-worn NS concept (school starts up), but I confess I couldn't force myself to read enough to see whether an NS ambiance has been maintained. If you can link it to a particular work, I'll take another look.
Free United States
12-01-2009, 16:35
As a participant in the Superhero School RP, I can say that, though it is more character-based, our characters are from our respective countries. As such, customs and beliefs from our individual countries sometimes come up in discussions, conversations and classroom debates. Note that, since it's a character-based RP, there are only some instances where our nation can play a direct role (ie. how our characters grew up, their beliefs/political/social, customs/laws etc).
The Steppe Empire
12-01-2009, 18:56
Same with my Super Sentai RP, Also, It is in the NS world also. I want to know why some people Think it is wrong for people to start Character RPs?
Same with my Super Sentai RP, Also, It is in the NS world also. I want to know why some people Think it is wrong for people to start Character RPs?
I think you misunderstand them. They don't have problems with character RPs, they have problems with make character RPs that have nothing to do with NS at all.
12-01-2009, 19:29
Same with my Super Sentai RP, Also, It is in the NS world also. I want to know why some people Think it is wrong for people to start Character RPs?
Nothing in your thread in any way implys that the characters are from your nation or anything similar. And hrm, I don't know, maybe because it is called NATIONstates and not CHARACTERstates. If your characters deal with your nation then fine, but if that is not the case, find a different forum. And Hataria, people would be less opposed to you if your posts resembled modern english.
[NS]Dastardly Stench
12-01-2009, 20:38
OK. Let me illustrate through example. I'm participating in one of those superhero threads. My nation is the Dominion of Dastardly Stench. My superhero (actually, supervillain) has the power of super-duper-farting. He is not only a citizen of the Dominion of Dastardly Stench, he represents it in all its aromatic splendor!
Thus, I cannot get so much as a single whiff ;) of what all the fuss is about.
Axis Nova
12-01-2009, 20:46
Nothing in your thread in any way implys that the characters are from your nation or anything similar. And hrm, I don't know, maybe because it is called NATIONstates and not CHARACTERstates. If your characters deal with your nation then fine, but if that is not the case, find a different forum. And Hataria, people would be less opposed to you if your posts resembled modern english.
I really think that flaming people you don't like is not a good thing to do in Moderation.
This constant sniping is quite obnoxious-- if you don't like him, simply avoid him.
I'm a recent addition to the same thread Dastardly Stench is part of, my character is built from her people's myths and history, as well as their superstitions and fears. Her life experiences before attending the school are constructed largely from her culture-and its beliefs.
Mind you, she's been put through hell by those beliefs, but her story is part of THEIR story. Everything from dying in a feud driven car-bombing in the sixties, to being essentially tortured as first her relatives, then her government tried to make her stay dead, even the how and why of her eventual release to attend the school. Her character (as in nature and personality) is informed by her upbringing, her powers and status by her people's myths and religion. Instead of just giving a bland list of gods in some "Factbook", I'm using this thread (and several others) to show them-bit by bit, piece by piece.
12-01-2009, 21:36
I really think that flaming people you don't like is not a good thing to do in Moderation.
This constant sniping is quite obnoxious-- if you don't like him, simply avoid him.
flaming from the one stop rules shop - "Expressing anger at someone in uncouth ways with OOC (out-of-character) comments"
What I did hardly qualifies.
And Axis Nova, the same goes for yourself. You have made it clear both in threads on II and on other forums that you think of me as dirt, and yet now you try to act like an upstanding citizen, protecting the poor from attack.
Please try to keep the thread on course. As the people from the superhero thread have continued posting, I see that it does indeed follow the rules. I wasnt trying to get their RP shut down, I was just wondering if the rules differed for RP's such as that and Alt History RP's.
12-01-2009, 22:26
Kampfers, I'm with Axis Nova on this one. "And Hataria, people would be less opposed to you if your posts resembled modern english" is clearly mild flaming. Knock it off.
13-01-2009, 00:39
With a slight change, this is pretty much the ideal recipe for any NS roleplay: ... my character is built from her people's myths and history, as well as their superstitions and fears. ... Instead of just giving a bland list of [nation details], I'm using this thread (and several others) to show them-bit by bit, piece by piece.
There's no, repeat NO, objection to character RPs. Nor is it forbidden to draw on a favourite work -- otherwise the regions of Twilight, Ankh-Morpork, Darkover, the various Hogwarts derivatives, etcetera, would be doomed. It's the NS-ness that counts.
By the way,
... but I confess I couldn't force myself to read enough to see whether an NS ambiance has been maintained.
I'm sorry if that came across as slagging the quality of that RP. Reading an RP not for the story, but to see whether it fits a model, is like trying to appreciate a painting by seeing how well its frame fits. I was bored by the activity, not by the RP.
13-01-2009, 00:57
As a member of the Super Hero RP (As Ziyo, a Kagetorian native who is an electromorph) is often talking about how he hates the Kagetorian government for testing on him.
Other people, notably Lynion, is constantly tying in his NS nation (for instance, his people getting drafted, fighting creatures from his nation, etc)
13-01-2009, 01:13
Okay, o-kay: the current Super Hero RP is fine. Other, later, Super Hero threads may not be. They'll continue or be closed individually, on their merits as NS-related roleplay. I think it's been set out, in this thread and others, what those merits need to be. If anyone has queries about another specific RP, start another thread.