Obvious troll
No. I'm not very happy about the way that i'm being treated. This forum is absolutely pathetic. I could post that the sky is blue and some idiot would call me a troll. It's ridiculous.
What? My father is an international banker. Would you like to see a picture of my $100,000 sports car?
I'm thinking that you're jealous of the wealthy, that's why you're so eager to suggest this is all made up. It's sad, really.
You are pathetic. I'll leave you to wallow in your jealousy now. Don't feel like you have to type anything at me ever again.
While his original post was just copy paste lunacy it was at the very least amusing. Now he's just going off his own original topic and flaming.
24-11-2008, 23:55
Since the forum is pathetic, I have spared him the pathos for the next three days.
25-11-2008, 03:00
Khadgar, I agree with your conclusion that the poster was trolling in his various off-topic comments. Even if done unintentionally, repeatedly pursuing irrelevant subjects and not attempting to deal with substantive on-topic points becomes trolling. (And Kat's ruling shows we're not alone in that view.)
But thank you for the opportunity to raise something I've been stewing over a bit.
Posting a topic with which some posters disagree, or which they consider so absurd it cannot be discussed rationally, is not automatically trolling.
Further, "you are a troll" and "you are trolling" can become flames in themselves.
It is fair to point out -- once -- to a poster that he is breaking forum rules. If he continues to do so, players should take it to moderation, not goad the offender into "are so/am not" exchanges.
That does mean that people joining a thread should follow netiquette by reading a reasonable amount of it, other than the OP, before they post complaints that may already have been discussed. Sorry, folks, "tl/dr" doesn't get you home free.
25-11-2008, 17:48
Fair enough.
It was the YouTube "perfect E5" crap that set me off. Apologies.
28-11-2008, 15:21
I was banned? I didn't notice. So if you want to punish me for having the nerve to get attacked, you'll have to ban me again.
To the guy above... that was a video aimed at the Muse.MU forum. Perfect E5 is an in joke. I wasn't seriously trying to prove my vast musical talent by playing a power chord.
The video was very well recieved in that forum, so i'm not at all concerned if people here dislike it. It's aimed at a niche markert and none of you are included.
28-11-2008, 21:08
Ok. How long would be noticeable to you? Two, three weeks?
We live to serve.
29-11-2008, 04:44
I think 900 years ought to do it.
29-11-2008, 16:22
I was banned? I didn't notice. So if you want to punish me for having the nerve to get attacked, you'll have to ban me again.
To the guy above... that was a video aimed at the Muse.MU forum. Perfect E5 is an in joke. I wasn't seriously trying to prove my vast musical talent by playing a power chord.
The video was very well recieved in that forum, so i'm not at all concerned if people here dislike it. It's aimed at a niche markert and none of you are included.
Ok. How long would be noticeable to you? Two, three weeks?
We live to serve.
I think 900 years ought to do it.
Right. Will keep it in mind the next time you're reported for, and are confirmed as, trolling and/or flamebaiting.