What is the point..
04-11-2008, 14:58
In the player information thread being a sticky in general when it hasn't been updated in over three years? I mean it's a good idea. But it's all old and doesn't serve much of a purpose anymore.
04-11-2008, 16:09
Seconded. I'm actually a little confused as to how it became a sticky in the first place.
04-11-2008, 16:16
Last edited by Erastide; 18-05-2008 at 12:49.
Most of the pages were updated on that same day. So it hasn't been updated since May. Still a while, but certainly not three years.
04-11-2008, 16:18
Ahh silly me I was looking at last post.
But, the question still remains as to whether it serves any great purpose as a sticky?
04-11-2008, 19:42
Please don't spam this up with a bunch of "me too" posts. We'll look at it.
Let's see if Erastide or Katganistan have an opinion on the matter. They do most of the General modding, and I think it's Eras' thread anyway.
05-11-2008, 01:36
Sorry, I got some of the facts wrong.. But was still interested if it serves any purpose as a sticky.