Asking Question
The Ryou Black Islands
19-09-2008, 23:30
I thought makeing a Poll to Ignore someone was against The rules. If it is, Please tell me.
[Not A Mod]
It probably is, but I'd highly recommend you ask yourself why this was posted in the first place. You seem to be causing a lot of drama somehow. It might be a good idea to stop doing whatever it is you're doing. (Suggestion, not order.)
[/Not A Mod]
I thought makeing a Poll to Ignore someone was against The rules. If it is, Please tell me.
I don't think conspiracy to make a poll to ignore someone is against the rules though. They never actually did anything...
20-09-2008, 01:53
Sur Abruzzi
20-09-2008, 02:55
I was wondering if I could ask a question in this thread since Ryou is involved in it? If it was wrong, I apologize, but I am still trying to get a hold of the Forum rules. I have made friends with some of the more "senior" members of the Forum who have helped me with RP-ing and the Rules, but there is one thing I can't seem to get anyone to answer with certainty. That is...what gets a nation banned?
I will use Ryou as an example, because he seems to be causing the most drama at the moment, and I have been involved in two of his threads, so if he gets angry at me I understand but I don't have a better example. From what I can understand based on the rules, Ryou has done thinks like:
1) Flamebaiting- Created a specific thread to flame another nation and call them names, which essentially baited them into an argument. Has a link in his signature to a thread calling it a Moderator's "Failure," which I was told was form of flamebaiting. Asked another member coming off a ban on his profile how he was doing "considering things," and then commented he was asking because the other member had been banned, which is there for ALL to see.
2) Flaming- Directly called out several nations, including calling them "wankers" and other ignorant names. Has told people to "GET THE HELL OUT" of his threads, without reason.
3) Godmodding- Self-explanatory, as it has happened in many threads, and others can attest to it happening. Include in this pretending an entire thread never happened without the approval of the other posters.
4) Threatened Moderation- In two recent threads threatened to report the thread and the posters to the Mods so they would do what he wanted, as well has repeatedly bothered the Mods with pointless issues.
A lot of his threads have devolved into all out bashing threads against him, and even has mucked up the International Incidents forum with all these new threads after those get closed. I admit I am not innocent in this matter, as my temper got the better of me and I essentially called him out, which is a big mistake on my part. But with all of this that has gone on, the question I am wondering is what does lead to someone being banned? Is it the culmination of events, like the one's listed above, or is it ONE BIG event? The rules seem a bit confusing to me in this matter.
20-09-2008, 04:49
Not a mod.
As far as I recall, it depends on the person, their attitude and posts, the subject matter and the mods patience.
For example, if several small flame wars keep popping up, the mods would wave around the canes for a bit, complaining about the noise, before finally saying "screw it" and whipping out the shotguns to start some heavy duty banning. And by several I mean a lot.
A big one can do it, but I can't think of anything that would do it in one go, aside from the threat to sue I remembered. Mostly its a slow build-up over a short period of time. You seriously have to set out with the goal in mind to piss a mod off to do so, they are very patient people and willing to work with you, if you're nice and don't try to make their heads into a chew toy.
20-09-2008, 05:05
There's annoying, and there's majorly disruptive. It takes a lot of majorly disruptive to actually earn a player a permanent ban from the forums and the game. Generally those players make it clear that they're only here to be disruptive, and we show them the door.
Annoying players tend to accumulate demerits on various nations, and when those piles become big enough, those nations get deleted. There are players here who have lost nation after nation, but continue to create new ones to keep playing a while longer. Being annoying while attempting to contribute isn't a capital crime for players in NationStates, only for nations.
Overall, we tend to demonstrate faith that a given player will eventually learn from his/her mistakes and possibly become a contributing member of our little society. (Either that, or get bored and wander off). Our Pollyanna viewpoint has occasionally been vindicated, but in most cases we're still waiting.
The Lone Alliance
20-09-2008, 07:26
I'm being immature true, but I don't think I'm breaking any rules.
Sur Abruzzi
Ryou\Hataria has always caused Contriversy but since he never really "Crosses the line" there is almost never a reason to ever really have the mods say anything to him. So instead it leads to this sort of "School Yard" justice.
Thankfully the mods always show up before it gets out of hand.
Sur Abruzzi
20-09-2008, 21:01
Thank you all for the answers. It sheds a lot of light on the rules and other matters. I think the best policy then, so I don't get in trouble, is to just ignore Ryou and any others who act like him. That is because I certainly plan on being here a LONG time, so I don't want to get any demerits on my record.