16-09-2008, 05:40
It would appear that some posters don't want to play nice?
No shit.:rolleyes: And Obama was talking about McCain's policies, not about Palin. The context of the comments was quite similar. Give it up with this moronic vendetta you have for one of our politicians. Hey, perhaps I should hijack a tread with complaints about Stephen Harper or Stéphane Dion?
Hype up Doin and make totally undefendable and outright false claims about how great she is and how awful her opponent would be for the country you dont live in. Make all these wild, unsupported declarations about her impending victory, and do not be discouraged about consistantly being wrong, but keep making them. And then cry sexism whenever anyone tells you you are wrong.
Only then, young grasshopper, will you have truely become CH.
No shit.:rolleyes: And Obama was talking about McCain's policies, not about Palin. The context of the comments was quite similar. Give it up with this moronic vendetta you have for one of our politicians. Hey, perhaps I should hijack a tread with complaints about Stephen Harper or Stéphane Dion?
Hype up Doin and make totally undefendable and outright false claims about how great she is and how awful her opponent would be for the country you dont live in. Make all these wild, unsupported declarations about her impending victory, and do not be discouraged about consistantly being wrong, but keep making them. And then cry sexism whenever anyone tells you you are wrong.
Only then, young grasshopper, will you have truely become CH.