26-08-2008, 16:37
Can you delete posts 2-23? They are OOC discussion which should be conversed over different mediums, say TGs or IRC, and not in the middle of a thread where I am trying to RP.
Gun Manufacturers
26-08-2008, 18:06
Can you delete posts 2-23? They are OOC discussion which should be conversed over different mediums, say TGs or IRC, and not in the middle of a thread where I am trying to RP.
Especially this one, right? http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13957024&postcount=3
26-08-2008, 22:21
Deleted; however, may I recommend that next time, you not respond to them at all. Majority of the postings in that thread were because you pretty much egged them on into continuing with the OOC posts. If you wish to respond to them without cluttering your thread, created an OOC thread for discussion.