The Ryou Black Islands
11-01-2008, 17:17
Can someone tell this baka that He can NOT use the U.N in RP as it cannot interfere in RP.
Central Prestonia
11-01-2008, 18:01
While you raise an excellent point in that the UN is persumed to not exist within II, calling someone "baka" (Japanese for "idiot" for those that don't know) is generally not wise, especially in Moderation.
11-01-2008, 18:09
Can someone tell this baka that He can NOT use the U.N in RP as it cannot interfere in RP.
Hat, it's just an RP, and a joke by the looks of it. Maybe just ignoring it?
The Mods generally don't mod RPs anyway.
The PeoplesFreedom
11-01-2008, 18:30
Maybe its time for the mods to go into that thread anyway. Godmodding is against the rules in the One-Stop Rules Shop, so maybe they need to give a reminder to Ryou, Double, and Greal, because the war had devolved into such a poor rp that something needs to be done.
11-01-2008, 20:22
The mods, as far as I am concerned, allows for RP in all forms, and if you respect the II or if you don't, it doesn't matter. If a person believes the UN exist in II, he can. If a person doesn't believe the UN exist in II, that's okay too. You can't force someone to change their policies in RP though. I respect the UN's existence, so fine. You don't, fine as well.
I also agree that godmodding has been done all the time. And I think this "calling for UN help" is not godmodding, especially when you realize the UN isn't all-powerful. "Having the UN pass a decree that you may ignore if you are not in the UN"=not godmodding. "Stating that you will defeat an enemy country and that your army is all supreme without actually letting the other side has a chance to respond"=Godmodding.
11-01-2008, 20:49
The UN exists if you want it to exist. If you don't want the UN to exist, don't RP with people who think otherwise.
11-01-2008, 21:03
"Stating that you will defeat an enemy country and that your army is all supreme without actually letting the other side has a chance to respond"=Godmodding.
Actually, just stop by the thread and read DWV messages...they are pretty much pure godmodding.
I am trying to interject some better RP if it helps anyone is anyone's guess.
11-01-2008, 21:11
Can someone tell this baka that He can NOT use the U.N in RP...
If your nation and the people you play with want the UN to exist in II, the UN exists in II. If you don't want it, you can ignore it.
If you want to RP in-character in either UN, NS or II about UN actions, you can. If you don't want to, don't post to such threads.I'd say the final choice in any given thread belongs to the thread starter, just like any other RP. Such is the nature of free-form RP..
11-01-2008, 22:20
Actually, just stop by the thread and read DWV messages...they are pretty much pure godmodding.
Claiming that you are going to have nuclear suitcases in every single nation that will detonate if you even going to want to disarm them is godmodding, no question asked. (The fact that you guys actually ACCEPTED IT rather than just ignoring DWV off the bat however does play into consideration as well, as you should have had ample warning that godmodding is going to occur.)
DWV has also engaged in godmodding in the whole fighting, but lately, DWV has been suing for peace, so I believe that he knows that he's going to lose and he wants to stop the conflict. What I am stating is that DWV, by asking the UN to make a statement, is not godmodding at all. Nobody's going to get killed.
But, Ryou's military acting all supreme too, and thinking they cannot be defeated as well. I mean, sure, as an recent example, Ryou's military may be trained to kill themselves and not get captured, but that DOES NOT MEAN that they will always kill themselves and not get captured. There is no chance for Ryou's army to be defeated since Ryou's army is godmodding too. The only counter against a godmod is a godmod. Hence, I think blaming DWV solely for the entire thread is a bit unfair.
I personally think both sides are godmodding, but I think there's really nothing you can do. However, I will congraulte DWV for at least trying to RP in an interesting situation, and will hope he doesn't godmod any more, or at least not get into any war situation.
12-01-2008, 00:39
Can someone tell this baka that He can NOT use the U.N in RP as it cannot interfere in RP.
He's not breaking any game rules, so no, we won't tell him that.
We've told you on multiple occasions that we won't enforce RP conventions in your threads, The Ryou Black Islands. If you want to define what is and isn't allowed as the OP of the thread, we won't stop you. Neither will we enforce any activity that doesn't break game rules.
If we were to start enforcing against bad roleplay, an awful lot of threads would disappear, including virtually all of yours. Don't open that box, Pandora. It bites.