Normally I don't report to the Mods but....
The Atlantian islands
23-09-2007, 03:29
This is just annoying. I'm in no way trolling and can back up each of my claims 100%. He responds not by debate or argument, but by flaming and simply saying: "you really are an exceptionally arrogant little toerag aren't you." I assume he believes that by covering himself by not using mainstream bad words and instead using "little toerags" and will not be seen as flaming.
Dread Lady Nathicana
23-09-2007, 03:44
An observation - several of your points in that quoted post are woefully inaccurate, whether you feel you can 'back them up 100%' or not. Perhaps you have your own set of blinders on? After all, anyone can find someone somewhere to support their argument - and provide 'statistics' and other such crap to 'prove' just how right they are (which often proves absolutely nothing aside from how well they can net-dive).
I can see where the 'arrogant' return comment came from, whether it was appropriate or not.
PS - Your bits there are just your opinion as well, so I've no idea what's got you so irritated. Can't have it both ways, boyo. Not once did I argue your right to debate, simply questioned your report considering the content. As I stated previously, just because you can 'back them up' does not mean you are not trolling or baiting. It also does not automatically make you 'right'.
And yeah - if you don't want others commenting, as all are welcome to do, put up the 'mods only' first. Not after. With much whining. ;)
The Atlantian islands
23-09-2007, 04:01
An observation - several of your points in that quoted post are woefully inaccurate, whether you feel you can 'back them up 100%' or not. Perhaps you have your own set of blinders on? After all, anyone can find someone somewhere to support their argument - and provide 'statistics' and other such crap to 'prove' just how right they are (which often proves absolutely nothing aside from how well they can net-dive).
I can see where the 'arrogant' return comment came from, whether it was appropriate or not.
1. Please, mind your business...I'm reporting this to the Mods, not putting it up for discussion. What you call "woefully inaccurate" is just your point of view.
2.NSG allows for debate. I posted my view points and can back up all of them, which means I'm not just trolling.
23-09-2007, 04:14
1. Please, mind your business...I'm reporting this to the Mods, not putting it up for discussion. What you call "woefully inaccurate" is just your point of view.
2.NSG allows for debate. I posted my view points and can back up all of them, which means I'm not just trolling.
Then IE if you wanted only the mods to answer this, then why didn't you put "Mods Only" in your OP here? So don't jump down her throat. Kepeesh?
The Atlantian islands
23-09-2007, 04:23
Then IE if you wanted only the mods to answer this, then why didn't you put "Mods Only" in your OP here? So don't jump down her throat. Kepeesh?
Done. I don't spend alot of time in moderation so I figured that arguement was illegal here, and these threads were all "MOD ONLY".
Anyway, I've just edited my, yeah.
23-09-2007, 05:52
Okay. You technically trolled; he technically flamed; I could technically ban both of you.
(See how annoying that statement is without any sort of explanation or links or backing? I know 100% that there are sections of the One-Stop Rules Shop that say so, but I didn't bother to put them up for you to check. What, trolling? Moi?)
Then you could both go away feeling persecuted by the mods, and I could go away feeling exasperated, and when you next encounter each other you could start all over again, only worse, and I could ban you each for longer, and ... aren't you getting a little sick of this?
Look, both of you step away, both of you come back later, both of you behave better. Stick to the arguments. The Atlantian Islands, give proof, don't just say you've got it. Infinite Revolution, stop flamebaiting; you know what it is and you know how condescendingly you did it. If you don't crank it down a few notches, you're goners.
I should report you. Perhaps you should behave yourself and make debate instead of calling names. How mature of you.
Oh, my, I missed this bit. Trolling and flaming. Mods as weapons. You really want to continue this discussion?
The Atlantian islands
23-09-2007, 06:09
This is my point, as it seems it was lost in this thread.
Par of OP: "France questions it's support of Arab nations", which I supported.
Someone posted: "What's wrong with being allied to Arab states?" (Honest question)
I reply: "Heres exactly why I think it's wrong to be allied with Arab states..."inhuman treatment towards women, non-reformed view of religion....ect"
Up until this point there was no trolling/flaming, just honest convesation. If you want me to back up each of those claims with supporting evidence, I will do so but I did not do it because this is how the debate goes: "A: Asked question. B: Gave answer. A: Debates the points provided in the answer from B.
So the next logical part of the debate would have been, "I disagree, Atlantian. Arab states have made huge leaps on their tolerance towards women, homosexuals and non-Muslims...ect" To which I would have replied, "while that may be are a list of things that shows that how the Arab world is acting is unacceptable...ect.
INSTEAD of all that, someone who was not even IN that debate came in, Infinite Revolution, and said "Atlantian, you are an arrogant little toerag"...which is a total flame and totally uncalled for, not to mention not adding to the debate at hand.
So, I'd like you to show me exactly where I am trolling or flaming.
You've told me to stick to the arguements, which was I was doing until I was verbally attacked by someone who the post in question was not even directed towards. And to make that even more...strange..was the fact that that post in question was also not a flame, but my arguement against making alliances with the arab world, which was a legit arguement and has even been supported by other people, both in real life and in this forum and now that I look again even in that thread.
23-09-2007, 13:09
Okay, your points are: you don't know why I said you were trolling, you don't know why I said you were flaming, and you want me to go through the thread bit by bit to show you why.
I thought I had, with my example about how annoying my own statements were. Like yours in the thread, they were statements, no matter how sure I was of them, that seemed controversial to you, but I offered no proof. Obviously you did find my statements controversial. Your first reaction was to call for proof. You sounded angry.
Fair enough. That's just the reaction others in your thread displayed (not just Infinite Revolution, though his was the most blatant). The reaction you might expect if somebody was trolling. Okay, I'll accept that you didn't intend to; I'm trying to explain why others reacted as they did, so you can avoid having threads go west when you just want a decent discussion.
If you don't play fair with your opponents -- give them a clue straight away what your justification for making these statements is, so they can go and check if it's an empty appeal to authority, a sensible discussion, a propaganda rant, whatever -- they get miffed. You need to give the clue before they get miffed. Then no-one will have grounds to accuse you of trolling.
As to flaming, I should have said flamebaiting. It referred to the line I quoted. You've been around NS long enough to know better than to say that. If you need to report someone, do it. Telling them you're going to can make them angrier still, and push them into more flaming. That's their own fault, but still, it's not very fair.
So why am I spending all this time on you, rather than on Infinite Revolution, who did do something but didn't get penalised? (Nor, indeed, did you.) Well, because what I and others were complaining about in your case wasn't self-evident, and you're entitled to an explanation.
Infinite Revolution, I don't think you need one to know you goofed. You were lucky to just get a wrist-slap this time. People don't get banned until mods have spent a bit of time thinking about it, checking up what we can. In the middle of doing that I was unexpectedly called away on an RL matter. It seemed fairer to do nothing than to do something uninformed. Hence, a bye. If you keep it up you'll get caught up, sooner rather than later, but it doesn't seem fair to revisit penalties now.