New Tacoma
19-09-2007, 09:54
Seeing as everyone else is doing it.
New Tacoma
19-09-2007, 20:30
more insults.
Ok kids, I'm not a mod, but this ain't gonna end well. How 'bout ya'll just put each other on ignore and grow up eh?
19-09-2007, 23:07
What he said. Plus
Mods as a Weapon: Threatening another nation with moderation action if they don't do "action" is not allowed. Representing yourself as a moderator is considered impersonation, and is not allowed. Reporting rule-breakers through the Getting Help page or the Moderation forum is not only allowed, but encouraged. Doing so maliciously or spamming Moderation with questionable requests may invoke a penalty, at the Mod's discretion.
New Tacoma, don't ever, ever, ever use the phrase "everyone else is doing it" in Moderation. It's not an excuse, an explanation or an apology, and it recalls all too clearly that classic conversation of most people's early adolescence: "But, Mum, everyone else ..." "If everyone else was putting their head in an oven, would you do it? If everyone else was jumping off a cliff, would you do it? You have to learn to be responsible and judge for yourself what's right for you, not just follow the sheep ..." (etc).