Could you delete this post?
The Sacred Orb
12-09-2007, 23:58
was wondering if you could delete this post
It seems like hes baiting me and it serves no useful purpose in the greater rp
13-09-2007, 01:38
Done. Not because it serves no useful purpose (the whole Strangers' Bar has been accused of that), not because he's baiting you (people 's delegates do tease other people's delegates, though he didn't give any reasonable indication he was IC), not because of the OP convention on RPs (though if the OP ever makes a welcome reappearance, he's in clover), but because it's really awful RP etiquette to godmode someone else's character -- especially such an unlikely godmode.
(I really should have taken a deep breath before I began that sentence.)
The Gupta Dynasty
13-09-2007, 02:24
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the moderators did not police role-play? As far as I know, moderators didn't use to delete godmods and such (if so, imagine International Incidents!).
I could be wrong though. Mind if you enlighten me?
13-09-2007, 03:44
We do police roleplay, to some extent. For the usual TOS violations (obscene or malicious content), or copyright violations, or spamminess.
Even for etiquette, if you've ever read the One-Stop Rules Shop.
Etiquette: Threads not belonging in the role-playing sections will be deleted or moved to the appropriate forum section as we find them. RP threads may be moved from NS to II or vice versa at author's request. In addition, the mods do have free license to lock or move very poor quality RP out of II - rampant violation of RP etiquette does not belong in II or NS.
But we do, in the interest of having free-form roleplay, try to keep our interference in it minimal. We don't, in our roles as Moderators, arbitrate RP-related disputes between players, or force them to stick to their nation page stats, or make sure their military size is reasonable, or tell them they have to have only modern tech, etc.
You have a great deal of freedom to RP as you like on this site, so enjoy it and don't abuse it.
13-09-2007, 03:49
We don't dig through every roleplay that's going on, but we do intervene if necessary, usually on request.
On most of the RP forums the regulars have their own way of dealing with idiocy -- one Strangers' Bar interloper was stuffed and put on display in a trophy case -- but sometimes it's just all too much trouble to RP a solution. (I fondly remember one in II onto which Scolopendra, bearing thunderbolts, descended from a cloud, announcing he was the God in the Machine.)
The post in question here was a bit of adolescent silliness, which I deleted, then deleted the "deleted" line so it wouldn't clutter up the thread. If you are worried about this Under most circumstances, godmoddery is not a moderation offense unless it turns to spam. then think of it as spam-clearance.
Either way, a lame post goes. It's the mods' obligation to keep the forums accessible, which includes making sure people on all forums play nice. "Playing nice" has different definitions in different places at different times, that's why each one is a -- wait for it! -- judgement call.
But mods go everywhere! (Cue "Spanish Inquisition" Monty Python clip here.)
EDIT: italicised bit plus OSRS Link (
The Gupta Dynasty
13-09-2007, 04:21
("Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!")
Uh, yeah, I think I get what you mean. HotRodia - I know, I was specifically referring to godmodding which, as Ard' quotes from the OSRS is not a moderated offense. I know that the mod team works to stop flaming and intervenes in disputes in stuff. And, yes, I do read the OSRS and the TOS. ;)
Ard' - thanks, I was just wondering, since, as far as I knew, godmodding wasn't that sort of offense. I'll take it to mean spam.
The Sacred Orb
13-09-2007, 14:11
Regardless of the reason. Thanks for the deletion.