Would you Mods mind.....
Central Prestonia
03-09-2007, 20:12
If I started a poll in General entitled "Coolest Mod"? I've been thinking about it for awhile, but I thought I'd clear it by you guys beforehand for obvious reasons. It'll basically be a poll with all your names on it, and a chance for players to explain why they feel the particular Mod is coolest, be it their RPing, decision making, or just the awesome avatar.
I V Stalin
03-09-2007, 22:12
I'm fairly sure they probably wouldn't, but I'm equally sure that it's already been done.
Besides, Kat would win, as she's obviously the coolest.
03-09-2007, 22:34
I thank you, even though I'm not sure why I supposedly am...
as for the contest -- I don't mind one way or the other, though I can't speak for anyone else -- and it might be considered spammy.
Central Prestonia
04-09-2007, 04:18
ok, I'll wait for some other Mods to weigh in on it before I do anything.
The Most Glorious Hack
04-09-2007, 08:33
Wouldn't be the first time it's happened. As long as it's not spam, I can't see how it matters.
04-09-2007, 08:53
Do the mods get to do a parallel "most cool poster" thread? Basis: sig, style, real (spam excluded) postcount ...
Nice implied compliment, BTW -- that we're all unbiased enough to mod a thread about us, glorious us, even if (perish the thought) somebody is less than complimentary.
Afraid I'm disqualified on a technicality, being over 30. Nobody over 30 can possibly be cool, unless they play sax or bass in an unjustifiably ignored, but admired by the cognoscenti, independent jazz trio.
Oh, and my vote's for Tsaraine, on the basis of his avatar, unless Hack brings back his Charlieeee! one.
Do the mods get to do a parallel "most cool poster" thread? Basis: sig, style, real (spam excluded) postcount ...
I think that might just touch off WWIII in General, but, by God, it would be a fun read. ;)
Afraid I'm disqualified on a technicality, being over 30. Nobody over 30 can possibly be cool, unless they play sax or bass in an unjustifiably ignored, but admired by the cognoscenti, independent jazz trio.
I call foul on that one, I know too many cool people over 30 who do not, in fact, play jazz.
Oh, and my vote's for Tsaraine, on the basis of his avatar, unless Hack brings back his Charlieeee! one.
The King in Yellow is still my personal fav.
04-09-2007, 10:18
Damn, I just nipped back to delete that post of mine (on the grounds of terminal spamminess), but now it's been quoted, I guess I'll have to live with it. And many more in the same vein.
Anyway, on the entirely well-founded assumption that everyone else will be more self-disciplined than I am, run your poll, for all of me.
The Most Glorious Hack
04-09-2007, 12:34
Afraid I'm disqualified on a technicality, being over 30. Nobody over 30 can possibly be coolI'm only about three months past 30. Can I still be cool?
Oh, and my vote's for Tsaraine, on the basis of his avatar, unless Hack brings back his Charlieeee! one.Nobody loves the drunk cat but me :(
04-09-2007, 14:44
I'm only about three months past 30. Can I still be cool?
Sorry, mate, you're melting ... MELLLLTIIINNNGGGG ...
Deus Malum
04-09-2007, 15:31
Mods spamming Moderation? This....this is madness!
Mods spamming Moderation? This....this is madness!
(Slaps self for being unable to resist posting this)
They're all cool!
but wouldn't this place (mod forum) be the better place for such a poll... after all, those in II or Nationstates or I.I. and other sections won't be able to vote.
05-09-2007, 01:41
Mods spamming Moderation? This....this is madness!
You know what Management's like. We almost didn't use up our full spam allocation last year, and only real dedication by all members of the team enabled us to achieve the 4% increase we applied for. So, naturally, we are now benchmarking ourselves to world's best practice, with a view to implementing strategies ...
Or, to deal with the actual question Junii raised, all Central Prestonia has to do is post a link here when it's up. The Generalites will see the poll, this forum's denizens will see the link, and nobody else is likely to be all that interested.
05-09-2007, 02:21
(Slaps self for being unable to resist posting this)
*kicks Redwulf into... a hottub.
05-09-2007, 02:53
I don't mind. It could be amusing.
05-09-2007, 10:53
I'm not sure it's worth a thread because clearly Euroslavia is by far the coolest, it would only damage the morale of other Mods to see this confirmed.
05-09-2007, 11:27
I'm not sure it's worth a thread because clearly Euroslavia is by far the coolest, it would only damage the morale of other Mods to see this confirmed.
I've only just returned, and I have a vote. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :p
Crazy girl
05-09-2007, 15:07
Do I get a vote too? :D
Did anyone after Ard get modded, if so I missed it. And when did little bro get back to modding here? And is hack already that old?
And..........missed me? :p
Deus Malum
05-09-2007, 18:20
Does it really matter, though? If Myrth happens to come back before this poll opens, you're all boned. :p
05-09-2007, 23:08
Just wait till the frenzied vote-buying spree gets under way -- "Vote for me and I promise to let all gun control threads go totally unmodded!" -- that sort of thing.
@CG: nobody else got modded yet. They'd forgotten that training a new mod is very similar to training a new puppy. Newspaper everywhere.
And ... miss you? Not half as much as the RR did.
06-09-2007, 15:34
Does it really matter, though? If Myrth happens to come back before this poll opens, you're all boned. :p
:D *votes Melkor*
what ever happened to him anyway?
@CG: nobody else got modded yet. They'd forgotten that training a new mod is very similar to training a new puppy. Newspaper everywhere.
oh... really? *Tries to imagine Fris getting bopped on the nose with a rolled up newspaper*
thanks... now I can't stop giggling...
Yeah but its pointless...Kat is gonna win.