Moderator publication of email correspondence?
Bodies Without Organs
09-07-2007, 17:58
Am I just being over-sensitive in thinking that one of the mod team publishing on the net the contents of email they have received in the course of their moderator duties is a tad questionable?
Melkor Unchained
09-07-2007, 18:26
Care to elaborate at all? Where was this e-mail posted?
I got yelled at once for posting TG's here, and I was told never to do it again, regardless of the content (or relevance) of the TG. I imagine e-mails would fall under the same category, but e-mails are offsite correspondence so I'm not sure.
Bodies Without Organs
09-07-2007, 18:30
Care to elaborate at all? Where was this e-mail posted?
Ah sorry:
It is unclear whether these were TGs, GHP requests or emails.
They're Getting Help requests, not e-mails.
Melkor Unchained
09-07-2007, 18:42
I probably wouldn't have done it myself, but the blog is offsite so even if I wanted to there's nothing I could do about it. You might be able to make the case that linking to it on NS isn't right, but I dunno. I guess I'll leave this up for now and see if another mod wants to mosey along and take a gander at it. I doubt anything'll happen though.
Pan-Arab Barronia
09-07-2007, 21:57
Well, I would have thought that as 1) they were offsite, and 2) they were edited to preserve anonymity, that they would be perfectly fine.
Besides, it's not so much correspondance as rather amusing complaints about a blatent April 1st joke.
Steely Glint
09-07-2007, 22:58
Just my 2 cents.
The mails shown were two years old and the names were removed.
It was just a bit of fun.
Bodies Without Organs
10-07-2007, 02:06
Well, I would have thought that as 1) they were offsite, and 2) they were edited to preserve anonymity, that they would be perfectly fine.
Besides, it's not so much correspondance as rather amusing complaints about a blatent April 1st joke.
The fact that they were hosted offsite strikes me as irrelevant - the messages had their source onsite. I was wondering more whether there is any notion of confidentiality involved in player/mod interactions which aren't carried out on the public forums.
Apparently not: it all just seems like a quite unprofessional* way to operate.
Maybe the GHP should have a note stating 'any entries made here by players for the attention of the moderators and admins may later be republished on some dude's blog for the purpose of ridicule and mockery'.
As for it being an April 1st joke... since when was Saint Valentine's Day in April?
* and yes, I do know that the moderation staff aren't technically professionals with the possible exception of maybe [violet] as they are unpaid volunteers, but you know what I mean.
10-07-2007, 03:12
This is an interesting question and case. By default, we treat all correspondence with a great deal of discretion and don't spread it around. On the (extremely) rare occations that we do, it is anonymized.
However, I feel that the correspondance here is very different from our normal correspondence. It is "site feedback" as opposed to a request for help, moderation, appeal, or any other moderator/moderation related content matter. For this reason, it is not held to the same degree of confidentiality that we hold other communications.
I hope that this helps to explain our thoughts and actions here and also preserves your trust in how we handle matters of moderation. If you have any further questions about this, you can either post them here (if you wish them to be public) or you can email them to me at where they will be kept internal to the moderation squad or confidential (to admins only) upon request.
HC Eredivisie
10-07-2007, 09:53
As for it being an April 1st joke... since when was Saint Valentine's Day in April?
Since Aprils' Fools is on the 14th of February?
See the news page, it was an April 1st joke...
10-07-2007, 10:53
Just my 2 cents.
The mails shown were two years old and the names were removed.
It was just a bit of fun.I agree.
Bodies Without Organs
10-07-2007, 13:46
Since Aprils' Fools is on the 14th of February?
See the news page, it was an April 1st joke...
I stand corrected.