NationStates Jolt Archive

Flaming (on my part and New Granada's)

Ghost Tigers Rise
05-07-2007, 04:14
Right, so me and New Granada have been having a highly warn/ban-worthy conversation for the past hour or so...

Basically, I call him gullible, he challenges me to a fight, for some reason, I make fun of him, he calls me an idiot, I make fun of him some more, he continues to call me an idiot.

I leave our Forum Fates (TM) in your hands.
lol, you poor, gullible soul.

Put up or shut up.

LOFL. You just challenged me to a fight on the internet.

I think you get the "Internet is Serious Business" Award.

How profound :rolleyes:

You posted something stupid, were told to put up or shut up, and instead just posted something else stupid.

Back to square one.

Correction: you've challenged two people to a fight on one thread.

You wouldn't happen to be related to this guy (, now, would you? ;)

Two people posted stupid things, two people got the same instructions, one came back to post more stupid things, the other shut up.

One has a problem with reading comprehension.

Instructions? Huh, I was not aware that you became a mod.

Or could it be...

Again, one has a problem with reading comprehension.

Some resources:

Good luck!

Wow. Repeating the same insult again. You really burned me.

A lot of people have problems with reading comprehension.

If you weren't aware what it is, it is where a person reads something, but doesn't understand what it means, what the writer was trying to say.

Most discussion forums would have fewer than one fourth of the posts they do if people didn't have problems with reading comprehension.

Don't know if you knew that or not.
05-07-2007, 05:02
Why are you wasting out time with this? If you want to be banned, stop logging on.