Post Nukeing.................second time this month.
To many OOCs
and I told them to stop
Second time this week, to be precise. And it's over a thread that's essentially a carbon-copy of the last one. I wonder...
14-06-2007, 23:49
No. You forfeit thread ownership in this case.
These people are critiquing your obvious godmod and inability to accept that your nation has been utterly destroyed within the past month. You did this two days ago, and I locked it. No more.
Hataria, you received a Final Warning from another mod today. We're tired of your use of the thread ownership rules to bury your horrid roleplay. We're not backing you any more. Live with it, or leave.
I am trying to make a good thread.........if it wasn't for the ones that hate me for being around.
Dread Lady Nathicana
14-06-2007, 23:58
In an effort to be helpful - why not go make your own offsite NS-related forum, and practice interacting with people there, since that seems to be an ongoing problem. Lock 'em up as much as you like, allow in those you want, keep out the ones you don't. Come back and try again after a while, and perhaps you'll get a different reception. Just a thought. It's a way to work on learning how to rp with people who are willing to play with you while avoiding those who may or may not 'have it out for you' (warranted or not), and it'll give you some time away from here to ic'ly grant you the time to rebuild etc that folks seem to be taking issue with you over.
New Vandalia
15-06-2007, 04:17
Good points and suggestions, DLN. On the flipside, though, it might be helpful if people didn't constantly jump on Hataria like a pack of ravenous jackals everytime he started a thread. Not that I'm defending Hataria. I've read what he thinks passes for RP, and yeah, it sucks. He's like the kid you played D&D with when you were 13 who always insisted he "really rolled all those 18s!" for his character's attributes. But give it a rest already, people. If you don't like his "RP," just stay the hell out of his threads. It's that simple. The behavior directed at him makes you all just as juvenile.
Dread Lady Nathicana
15-06-2007, 04:26
Already addressed in part here. ( Yes, this is an ongoing problem. No, neither side seems to be able to work anything out on these forums, hence the new suggestion. Hataria has brought much of it on himself, but no, that fact doesn't give everyone else the right to harass. *shrugs* Someone has to start acting the responsible part somewhere - I've found it's generally easier to start with one's self.
New Vandalia
15-06-2007, 04:41
You're absolutely right, of course, DLN, but that doesn't excuse the behavior of those who seem to delight in dogpiling Hataria at every opportunity. It would seem only fair, in my humble opinion, if some form of discipline -- however minor -- were tossed in their direction, too (and not just here in the Mod forum, since they probably never read it anyway).
The PeoplesFreedom
15-06-2007, 05:08
The thing with some of us dogpiling Hat is that a lot of our nations have IC problems with him, IE he has attacked us or our allies. Since he continues to do this, he keep getting attacked.
15-06-2007, 05:13
The thing with some of us dogpiling Hat is that a lot of our nations have IC problems with him, IE he has attacked us or our allies. Since he continues to do this, he keep getting attacked.
You do realize that you can legitimately ignore the posts of a serial godmoder when he attacks you or your allies, yes? That you don't have to legitimize his attacks by accepting them?
The Most Glorious Hack
15-06-2007, 05:31
You do realize that you can legitimately ignore the posts of a serial godmoder when he attacks you or your allies, yes? That you don't have to legitimize his attacks by accepting them?Indeed. One wonders how these people would have responded to Imperial Forces, Russian Forces, MagicChina, Perrier, or Ziotah...
The PeoplesFreedom
15-06-2007, 06:04
You do realize that you can legitimately ignore the posts of a serial godmoder when he attacks you or your allies, yes? That you don't have to legitimize his attacks by accepting them?
Mainly cause we have tried that before and he keeps coming back. Plus many of us want our war spoils from him attacking us so many times. I agree that we could ignore him, but the main problem with that is that somebody doesn't and that usually drags more people.
Dread Lady Nathicana
15-06-2007, 06:29
Then I for one would suggest that's your problem, not his. You know what he's going to do, you know how he's going to act, you know you're not going to like it. As I've stated elsewhere, isn't it time to sit back, and perhaps take another track here?
Garbage in, garbage out, folks. What you've been doing hasn't accomplished anything other than a lot of spam and moderation requests. Fact is there's always going to be someone somewhere doing something you don't like. It doesn't mean you need to rise up in wrath to 'pwn' them so thoroughly they won't even think about rp'ing again. No. It really doesn't. And no, you really don't have to always post to every little thing that irritates you.
Again, just an observation from a long-time player - take it as you like.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-06-2007, 06:38
Then I for one would suggest that's your problem, not his. You know what he's going to do, you know how he's going to act, you know you're not going to like it. As I've stated elsewhere, isn't it time to sit back, and perhaps take another track here?
Garbage in, garbage out, folks. What you've been doing hasn't accomplished anything other than a lot of spam and moderation requests. Fact is there's always going to be someone somewhere doing something you don't like. It doesn't mean you need to rise up in wrath to 'pwn' them so thoroughly they won't even think about rp'ing again. No. It really doesn't. And no, you really don't have to always post to every little thing that irritates you.
Again, just an observation from a long-time player - take it as you like.
I wasn't aware that I was trying to "pwn" him as you so nicely put it. Also note that we are not the one's making the bulk of moderation requests. He is. Also, I don't post to 'every little thing that irritates you' He was on ignore for me for a long time, due to me being the 'scapegoat' I only got involved again because my new alliance did. However, this is now a moot point since he is done now anyway. Now he is just throwing a fit and threating to sue jolt.
Dread Lady Nathicana
15-06-2007, 06:51
And I wasn't aware that you were unable to tell the difference between 'you' as in 'you personally' and a 'you' as in 'general you-whoever might fit the bill'. Criminey, no wonder there's so many problems. People get their noses out of joint over the simplest things. ;)
Have a good night - I'm out, and I shan't be posting here again. Obviously no point - no one's likely to listen, on either side of it.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-06-2007, 07:17
I didn't mean to offend you with that post, and I apologize if I did. Have a good night. I thought you were referring to me personally.
15-06-2007, 14:04
Personally, I think that if you get nuked out of the blue by thousands of nukes, you have every right to employ the I.G.N.O.R.E. shield. While I usually just claim a ridiculous accuracy with my ABM's, as I hate ignoring, I think in this case use of I.G.N.O.R.E. followed by building - not to insane levels like 1,300 battleships (something around 300-400, I like to keep battleships less than 5% of my fleet) - but to a size that's reasonably strong for a nation of 6.5 or so billion. No godmode (and I'm sick of people who can't spell that word) involved.
The Most Glorious Hack
15-06-2007, 14:05
Enough is enough. We're done here.