Obvious flame. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12065311&postcount=67)
(With some smiley spam to boot.)
Ontario within Canada
11-12-2006, 00:41
Is is just me or is there an awful lot of trolling going on?
"Liberals are whiners"
"Evolution is stupid"
"Israel is ruled by Nazis"
"Atheists are jerks"
etc, etc, etc.
These kind of topics don't encourage cogent debate and really should just be locked or moved off to a section of the forum reserved for senseless flame wars.
11-12-2006, 00:46
How would that be a flame?
I don't see it. He didn't point it to anyone specifically.
Pschycotic Pschycos
11-12-2006, 00:52
Yeah, my take is it's probably more of trolling than flame. I can see how it might turn into a flamewar, though. Let's see what the mod-panel says.
Krow Liliowych
11-12-2006, 01:17
These kind of topics don't encourage cogent debate and really should just be locked or moved off to a section of the forum reserved for senseless flame wars.It's called the spam forum, and it already exists.:p