NationStates Jolt Archive

Is it true?

01-12-2006, 20:51
On a regional forum, someone called "Former English Colony" claims that one or more posts that I made on the jolt forum were deleted. I presume he/she means deleted by moderators.

This is news to me. Is this true? I have just reviewed all the topics in this moderation forum for the whole time I've been playing NS and can't find any sign of this, but sometimes it is impossible to tell what thread was being complained about because it has now been deleted.

I did notice that the last time I posted something a message came up saying it would be be reviewed by moderators. I don't recall seeing that before. Am I being treated differently than other players?

If there really is some sort of problem, it would be nice if someone, anyone, would tell me. I have received no communications of any sort indicating that I did anything wrong. I have reviewed the "one stop rules shop" and see no rules that I think I broke. It is possible that someone considered some of my messages to be spam, but if so, I'd like to hear why. I was just trying to find other players to playtest a free roleplaying game. There are entire roleplaying games being conducted on threads in this forum (not to mention commercial ads for computer games flashing across the top of the screen all the time.) If my game is different or my posts about it are unacceptable, please let me know why.

Maybe I posted in the wrong place or something. I've had some trouble figuring out the forums here. It is not entirely clear what should be posted where and I also didn't notice the thing at the bottom where you have to select the time period to review. At first it looked to me like threads were going off to archives or something within an hour or so of being created. I probably posted the same thing more than once in the same forum because of this.
01-12-2006, 21:58
The "Moderated Status" thing is a bug, and we're looking into it ( It has nothing to do with your behavior on the forums.

However, all your ads for an off-site game that have nothing to do with NationStates have indeed been deleted. If you want to advertise for other games, buy an ad on Jolt (like those banner ads - they're not free).