thread close request
Besides having more or less shown what I wanted to show and fulfilled its purpose, it's now serving as yet another pedophile thread that we don't really need given the existence of the other one.
04-08-2006, 03:36
Wait, what? I thought in General we don't have thread owners. How does one get a thread closed by request 61 pages in?
04-08-2006, 09:36
Wait, what? I thought in General we don't have thread owners. How does one get a thread closed by request 61 pages in?
Im afraid its always been sort of accepted that if the thread creator wishes his/her thread closed, the mods usually comply.
04-08-2006, 12:39
Im afraid its always been sort of accepted that if the thread creator wishes his/her thread closed, the mods usually comply.
Not at all. You're misinformed.
Threads about pedophilia have become the new "Ask a..." sort of spam, and we're closing them routinely. We've danced the 'do we allow free speech?' versus 'there are 12 of 25 pedophilia threads on the front page of NSG,' dance for long enough. It's always the same 5 or 6 proponents, with the usual shouting and flaming naysayers. Enough.
'Is sex ok if the child consents?'
Sorry I didn#t know there was ban on this thread. The contents disgusted me so much just wanted to post it and get others opinions on it. My bad.
04-08-2006, 13:56
I guess I completely misunderstood the point of this place.
General's heading reads 'For discussion and debate about anything'.
I suggest you change that to read, 'For discussion and debate about anything that doesn't make us feel uncomfortable'.
Because that's what the threads you closed were. Discussions. Debates. There were a few flame posts, but you'll notice they weren't on the part of the people engaged in said discussions but rather drive-by trollings. Real issues were being discussed. Issues that affect us every day. They were being discussed in a civilized manner. They were not graphic or explicit. Nobody, despite protestations I've heard from at least one mod, was championing child abuse. The self professed pedophiles, myself among them, had stated on several occassions that we found adult/child sexual relationships objectionable and did not advocate such.
I suggest you give some more thought to what message you are sending when you decide to ban threads based on your level of comfort with the subject matter.
Dread Lady Nathicana
04-08-2006, 14:20
Yeah, yeah. Cry me a river, boyo. As stated before, the 'anything and everything' was a catchall phrase to set it apart from the other forums. It never meant that 'anything and everything' was explicitly allowed, though there's always been someone arguing for that. It's not like you're the only one who's disagreed with how a PRIVATELY CONTROLLED SITE YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR gets run.
Yeah, I guess you did completely misunderstand the point of this place. It was designed as a marketing tool for a book, and became a place folks could play out their nations and discuss politics and current events and what have you. It was not designed to give you an avenue to tell the rest of us how screwed up we are and how truly wonderful you and yours are.
You want to platform your agenda, it's probably best you take it elsewhere. Clearly it's not welcome here, and you're as free as the next person to go set yourself up a little site to go on at length about how unfair it all is, how persecuted you are, how narrowminded the rest of us have become, how misunderstood all you poor pedophiles are, and how really your ideal lifestile isn't 'all that bad' if we'd just open our eyes.
I'm afraid I'm just not terribly sympathetic to your plight given you've chosen to bring the negativity on yourself (honestly now, given the subject, how could you expect not to get some rather harsh criticism?), nor can I be guilted into feeling bad that your agenda isn't off to a roaring success here. In fact, I don't know about the rest of the folks around here, but I'm kinda getting tired of hearing the constant whining couched in 'it's all YOU people's fault, I'm just fine' phrases.
Like the song says:
Here's a quarter
Call someone who cares.
Nag Ehgoeg
04-08-2006, 14:24
Suvyamara']I guess I completely misunderstood the point of this place.
General's heading reads 'For discussion and debate about anything'.
I suggest you change that to read, 'For discussion and debate about anything that doesn't make us feel uncomfortable'.
Because that's what the threads you closed were. Discussions. Debates. There were a few flame posts, but you'll notice they weren't on the part of the people engaged in said discussions but rather drive-by trollings. Real issues were being discussed. Issues that affect us every day. They were being discussed in a civilized manner. They were not graphic or explicit. Nobody, despite protestations I've heard from at least one mod, was championing child abuse. The self professed pedophiles, myself among them, had stated on several occassions that we found adult/child sexual relationships objectionable and did not advocate such.
I suggest you give some more thought to what message you are sending when you decide to ban threads based on your level of comfort with the subject matter.
Crawl into a *Free forum of your own* and *keep posting* *person who posts a lot*.
So you love kids? Who cares - I don't. Hell, I even spent the last fifteen minutes trying to log into the forums to defend freedom of speach.
But there are far too many threads on this topic, which all say exactly the same things.
No-one is every going to change their minds about how they feel - the intolerant don't want to understand to paedofiles, paedo's don't want to be labled as child molesters and attacked due to the ingorance of trolls, and the rest of us don't want to have to trawl through all the god-damn spam that this topic is generating.
Think I'm intolerant? Go look at my previous posts. I love defending people's right to free speach. I love correcting misconceptions. I hate the arrogant, ignorant masses who scream "think of the children" to every well reasoned and carefully thought out arguement.
BUT I hate spam. And that's all this topic is now - spam. A month ago, when it was one or two threads, I'd back up any intelligent post made by Five Castes then move on. Now, it's rediculas. It's not even funny.
*Bad things* to *Excessive posts*.
No it wasn't graphic.
No it didn't break any rules.
Niether did "Ask-a-non-practising-Jew-turned-Christian" - it's become annoying spam, and that's enough to warrent deletion.
Period. Get over it.
*Have a nice day, please continue to post on other subjects. Sorry about the trolls who hate you for no good reason.*
04-08-2006, 14:29
Not at all. You're misinformed.
Threads about pedophilia have become the new "Ask a..." sort of spam, and we're closing them routinely. We've danced the 'do we allow free speech?' versus 'there are 12 of 25 pedophilia threads on the front page of NSG,' dance for long enough. It's always the same 5 or 6 proponents, with the usual shouting and flaming naysayers. Enough.
Emphasis mine.
Whenever any topic meme gets to be so, shall we say, overwhelming that it practically pushes out all other debate, a moratorium is usually established to let the thing cool down. This was done a few years back concerning Nazi ideology debates, and again in the "Ask a Jew/Christian/Transvestite/One-Legged Left-Handed Glass-Blower" thread craze relatively more recently, and again in other circumstances.
If you have a problem with how the boss words things, well, as it has been mentioned this is privately owned and therefore you can either deal with it or take your leave and not deal with it somewhere else.
Nag, thank you for the backup but lay off the vitriol.
04-08-2006, 14:56
So I guess the thread I was just about to start concerning the fact that in addition to being a pedophile I'm a one-legged left-handed glass-blower is dead in the water.
I get no respect. None I tell ya.
Nag Ehgoeg
04-08-2006, 15:16
Suvyamara']So I guess the thread I was just about to start concerning the fact that in addition to being a pedophile I'm a one-legged left-handed glass-blower is dead in the water.
I get no respect. None I tell ya.
If any quote ever was sig worthy, this one is.
04-08-2006, 15:47
If any quote ever was sig worthy, this one is.
Well, aside from the fact that your sig is now about twice as long as it's allowed to be.
The Five Castes
08-08-2006, 20:48
Crawl into a *Free forum of your own* and *keep posting* *person who posts a lot*.
That's kind of how it goes. I've enjoyed discussing and debating here, but I'll respect the moritorium until an official ruling comes in. In the meantime, I guess I'll head over to technical and see if I can't find out why I haven't been able to access the forums the past few days.
So you love kids? Who cares - I don't. Hell, I even spent the last fifteen minutes trying to log into the forums to defend freedom of speach.
I'm always appreciative of someone defending freedom of speach, regardless of who is voicing their opinions.
But there are far too many threads on this topic, which all say exactly the same things.
I only saw a handful myself. Three at the most at any given time. Were the mods deleting them and herding discussion back to those threads and I just didn't see it?
No-one is every going to change their minds about how they feel - the intolerant don't want to understand to paedofiles, paedo's don't want to be labled as child molesters and attacked due to the ingorance of trolls, and the rest of us don't want to have to trawl through all the god-damn spam that this topic is generating.
Those trolls are willfully ignorant, but there have been people who've realised their mistakes and corrected their labeling. I understand that you feel the trolling is getting bad, but honestly, isn't an end to discussion what the trolls in question want? This kind of feels like caving in to them.
Think I'm intolerant? Go look at my previous posts. I love defending people's right to free speach. I love correcting misconceptions. I hate the arrogant, ignorant masses who scream "think of the children" to every well reasoned and carefully thought out arguement.
I don't think you're intollerant. From this post alone, it should be clear enough that you've got strong convictions, but simply have become fatigued with this subject. I can't say I honestly blame you for that.
BUT I hate spam. And that's all this topic is now - spam. A month ago, when it was one or two threads, I'd back up any intelligent post made by Five Castes then move on. Now, it's rediculas. It's not even funny.
I appreciate all the support you provided back then.
*Bad things* to *Excessive posts*.
No it wasn't graphic.
No it didn't break any rules.
Niether did "Ask-a-non-practising-Jew-turned-Christian" - it's become annoying spam, and that's enough to warrent deletion.
Period. Get over it.
*Have a nice day, please continue to post on other subjects. Sorry about the trolls who hate you for no good reason.*
No need to appologise if you aren't one of them.
I honestly hope things will settle down and the topic can be discussed again, but until we get an official ruling, I'll accept the moritorium (so long as I'm not attacked). I just hope that if the ruling is against discussion of this topic, it won't be a one sided ruling, and will prevent the spreading of hate and misinforation as much as it prevents my ability to answer that hate and misinformation with the truth.
The Five Castes
22-08-2006, 03:41
So, has any official ruling on this come in? I'm not in any hurry, but I figured since this is one of the few times my account has let me get on the forums here, I'd ask if anything beyond the unofficial moritorium has happened.
22-08-2006, 04:33
The usual cooling off period is closer to six months than 2 weeks.
We're not interested in breaching this topic for quite a while. If you want to discuss it elsewhere, it's a great big internet. Have at it.