NationStates Jolt Archive

Flaming Flamebait in General (As if that's something new)

25-07-2006, 05:13

Authored by B0zzy, this is another islamophobic flamebait and flaming that serves no real discussion purpose other than more chantings of "Muslims R 3B1L".

There's also more trolling in that thread in the form of The Atlantian islands praising Augusto Pinochet and his regime in the face of posters who have relatives that were victimized by the Pinochet regime (such as Sinuhue.)
The Atlantian islands
25-07-2006, 05:36

Authored by B0zzy, this is another islamophobic flamebait and flaming that serves no real discussion purpose other than more chantings of "Muslims R 3B1L".

There's also more trolling in that thread in the form of The Atlantian islands praising Augusto Pinochet and his regime in the face of posters who have relatives that were victimized by the Pinochet regime (such as Sinuhue.)
So what? I was praising Pinochet and his regime in the face of a poster who is related (so she says) to those victimized by Pinochet? I could care less..How do I know shes not lying..there is nothing there to support her, no facts. This is like the "Cat Died" I supposed to feel sorry for someone over the internet who could be lying to benefit her arguement, puh-lease.

Anyway, my support of Pinochet was, supported..and since it is my actual view, I was not flaming.

Newsflash, alot of people like Pinochet, in the Wiki article it states that Chile is split 50/50 half hating him, half loving him. Reagan and Thatcher also supported him, by the way.

Meh....every South American country has its problems, its revolutions and its dictators and terrible governments....Chile just happend to produce good out of it.
Like I said:
"I like Pinochet because he took over a country ravaged by socialists and fought back. He freed up the market, made the country rich, safeguarded democracy for when the time was right to return it, and because of him, Chile is the best country in South America, to this day."

Opposed to when people were dying because they had no money to buy food because the money was worth as much as your life because the economy was in ruins due to the Socialists?

No, I dont have a problem with someone saving his country, even if it means killing the socialists who want to bring it back down to the level it was. After all, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Take that as you will.

I am not "glorrifying" I said..every South American country had terrible problems with its governments...Chile just happend to have good come out of it.

^Those four things are what I said about Pinochet and his government. As cited below.
The Atlantian islands
25-07-2006, 05:42
posters who have relatives that were victimized by the Pinochet regime (such as Sinuhue.)

More was only Sinuhue that is supposedly related to the victims..not poster. She could be lying, for all we know.
25-07-2006, 05:45
Personally i see the following:

1. B0zzy made a good debate opening
2. People Flame-Baited B0zzy
3. B0zzy Flamed.

It's not just all B0zzy's fault, it's those who baited him as well. I wouldn't blame it all on b0zzy when it's not fully his fault.
The Atlantian islands
25-07-2006, 05:49
Personally i see the following:

1. B0zzy made a good debate opening
2. People Flame-Baited B0zzy
3. B0zzy Flamed.

It's not just all B0zzy's fault, it's those who baited him as well. I wouldn't blame it all on b0zzy when it's not fully his fault.
I woudlnt blame anyone, I'm just defending myself against being accused of flaming because I supported Pinochets Chile.
25-07-2006, 05:58
I woudlnt blame anyone, I'm just defending myself against being accused of flaming because I supported Pinochets Chile.

Openly cheerleading for the imprisonment and/or murder of socialists isn't flaming to you then, huh?
25-07-2006, 06:01
1. B0zzy made a good debate opening

If you call a poll that offers the false dilemma of portraying Islam as A) A religion that admits is violent and savage and will renounce such barbaric ways or B) A violent and savage religion that will behead all dissenters a good debate opening, then I suppose it is.
The Atlantian islands
25-07-2006, 06:11
Openly cheerleading for the imprisonment and/or murder of socialists isn't flaming to you then, huh?
I said, the situation was terrible, people were starving because the socialists destroyed the economy, and hence, the money was worth nothing...Pinochet brought Chile to his feet, killing his opposition (No its not nice, but it sure as hell was needed to bring Chile back to stability)...and because of it, Chile is the best country in South America now.

I dont cheerlead for the imprisonment and/or murder of anybody....but I did say..that Chile was destroyed and he understood that he needed to do what he needed to do to bring it back up, and he wasnt going to let socialists take control again to bring it back down to the level it was.