NationStates Jolt Archive


10-07-2006, 03:59
I've defended DSN in the past and I do think that these ideas need to be explored, but DSN isn't trying to explore them. He complained that he was the subject of a verbal dogpile earlier. I entered the thread and tried to generate actual discussion albeit contentious discussion.

Here is the contribution of DSN, since then.
psuedo scientific bull crap.
If it wasn't bull crap,,,

I would understand it.

You assumed correctly
How about,,,,

Why don't you try to explain the magic behind pedaphilia? How is it that a single well placed touch can ruin a person for life? Tell me how the pedaphilia virus spreads by a mechanism similer to where werewolves and vampires. Do tell the magic beyond the loss of empathy and the twisted mind set of all the pedophiles who just want to go out and hurt helpless and innocent people.

Santa Cluase is more pluasable.

Come on Jocabia do tell.
You still didn't explain the life ruining touch or the pedaphilia virus.
Jacobia said

Comparing pedophelia and/or bestiality to a healthy human attraction that is often discriminated against is offensive. I know you understand that.

Healthy lol.

You would know? You listen to the John Tesh show right?

Implying that I'm gay and unhealthy.
Eh try this study out. Let's see you go "oh studies are great I love science"

Self-reported and physiological sexual arousal to adult and pedophilic stimuli were examined among 80 men drawn from a sample of volunteers. Over 1/4 of the current subjects self-reported pedophilic interest or exhibited penile arousal to pedophilic stimuli that equaled or exceeded arousal to adult stimuli. The hypothesis that arousal to pedophilic stimuli is a function of general sexual arousability factors was supported in that pedophilic and adult heterosexual arousal were positively correlated, particularly in the physiological data. Subjects who were highly arousable, insofar as they were unable to voluntarily and completely inhibit their sexual arousal, were more sexually aroused by all stimuli than were subjects who were able to inhibit their sexual arousal. Thus, arousal to pedophilic stimuli does not necessarily correspond with pedophilic behavior.

Posts a study with no comment other than to bait me. Incidentally, I totally agree with the study, though the methodology is not actually listed.

I've resisted bringing it up, but he really is trying to subjugate the debate.

He has complained repeatedly about the quality of response he gets, but when he gets an actually reasoned and supported response, he responds with "psuedo scientific bull crap" and insinuating that I'm gay. It's less than conducive to debate.

TFC is also trying to avoid the topic, but at least we are having a discussion. DSN seems like he's upset that people aren't just threatening him and flaming.
10-07-2006, 04:01
Honestly, if this was anybody else, I probably wouldn't bother, so my bias should be considered, but I'd point out that my bias is a result of repeated trolling and flamebaiting in the past.
The Most Glorious Hack
10-07-2006, 05:05
On it.

10-07-2006, 05:10
Darn. I almost wish I didn't report him. He just started coming around. I tried to wait, but it didn't seem like he was listening at all. Then suddenly he started to.

I'm a little sad, because many of the mods and several posters, including myself, defended his right to be here repeatedly in hopes of reaching him. I really wish he'd make the most of that opportunity.

I was justing posting this to him -

No one is saying take my word for it, but as you said you dismiss anything you don't understand as bullcrap. I've seen the way you treat evidence. You're not looking to understand. You're looking for justification. And my experience is that if people look for justification they usually find it.

However, I warn you, in this case if you justify your predilictions and you determine they are not harmful, you're going to end up on the short end of the law and end up harming someone considerably.

I've defended your right to be here repeatedly. Make the most of it. You have an opportunity to educate yourself on the matter. Do so, please.
The Most Glorious Hack
10-07-2006, 05:19
Well, he's got a week to ponder it now.
10-07-2006, 05:28
Well, he's got a week to ponder it now.

Well, like I said. I'm terribly disappointed. I definitely could have handled it better. The anonymity of the web combined with the commitment of this forum to open, more or less civil debate offers us a unique opportunity. I wish I would have capitalized on this one more. He appears quite young and I truly hope he sees what so many are trying to show him.
The Most Glorious Hack
10-07-2006, 05:39
He appears quite young and I truly hope he sees what so many are trying to show him.Perhaps, but I think you were correct when saying that he was looking for people to attack him. Looking over his history, that's really what it looks like.

He's welcome to return when the ban expires, and hopefully he'll be interested in engaging in real debate.
Crazy girl
10-07-2006, 06:38
*bites tongue so she won't say what she hopes, and just grins at hack*