NationStates Jolt Archive

Advocating Genocide

08-06-2006, 21:54

2. This is a new war, the GWOT, and yes, I am advocating genocide. In the end, they will commit more and more heinous acts (including biological weapon attacks on Western cities), and the West will eventually act to put an end to the threat. In my eyes, better sooner than later.

So how does one look upon advocating genocide on this forum? I'm asking since it is, as far as I know, a crime under international law, US law and I believe also under the law in the UK to advocate genocide.

Oh, and flaming:
10-06-2006, 01:09
I'm going to *bump* this up, because I really would like an answer.
10-06-2006, 02:08
Discussing the possibility that a nation might commit genocide to end a conflict isn't forbidden on this site. The poster isn't planning to go out and kill all the <race>, he's stating his view that he thinks it's a possible policy. However reprehensible or illegal you may think the concept, the posts are allowed.

Free Soviets should know better than to flame opponents. Unless it's a pattern for him, all he would warrant would be a 'knock it off' from us.
10-06-2006, 12:59
So you can advocate genocide as long as you say that you would like the government to do it, but not if you say you would like to do it yourself.

That cleared things up for me. Thank you for the answer. :)