NationStates Jolt Archive

One More Nation than I Need.

Clan Ansu
23-05-2006, 11:17
I have one nation other than this one, which I created after mine had been lost due to inactivity. The trouble is that my browser keeps on loading the new nation, Tribe Ansu (I couldn't live with 'Tribe'. Had to have 'Clan' back.), when I go to and I was hoping that some friendly mod wouldn't mind giving up a couple of minutes of his or her time to help me by deleting Tribe Ansu. I don't use it, and it's not going to go away unless it is made to.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: If I should have done this some other way, please say. It's just that there's no 'My Nation is Superfluous' option on the Getting Help page, so I wasn't quite sure what to do.
23-05-2006, 13:12
Login to the tribe nation, go to settings, make sure the "login automatically" button is set to off. Login to the Clan nation, go to settings, turn login automatically "on".

If that doesn't work you'll have to delete the login cookie.
23-05-2006, 22:50
>How do I delete my nation?

You can't. I decided it's better to have people upset because they can't start over with the same nation name than people upset because their nations got accidentally deleted.

If you don't log your nation in, it will be deleted automatically in 28 days.

There's a reason why we call them "Frequently Asked Questions".
Clan Ansu
23-05-2006, 22:56
Thanks, both of you. Perhaps that method should be put into the FAQ for just such a situation as mine (ie. selective blindness). I'd forgotten about the auto login checkable thingy.