15-01-2006, 20:58
The Nazz
15-01-2006, 22:28
Huh? You're kidding, right?
15-01-2006, 22:53
Not really actionable.
GLs Ghost
16-01-2006, 05:09
Griefing: Harrassing a nation because of what they did or said. This often manifests when one player follows another around in thread after thread, abusing and flaming the target nation. Note that this is distinct from Region Griefing, covered above.
Such as Jacobia following GL into threads GL started and then flamebaiting GL there (see below) into responding to Jacobia’s posts which were aimed to anger, then Jacobia cites ‘previous’ posts and topics as justification of his behaviors
Flamebait: Posts that are made with the aim of angering someone indirectly. Not outright flame, but still liable to bring angry replies. Flame baiting is a far more subtle and covert action; it is an underhanded tactic that is designed to provoke a response from another player. It's in the same context of trolling but with flamebaiting it's just the one person.
GL responds directly to Jacobia’s Griefing and Flamebait, and Jacobia and other Jacobia friends suddenly show up using …
Mods as a Weapon: Threatening another nation with moderation action if they don't do "action" is not allowed. Representing yourself as a moderator is considered impersonation, and is not allowed. Reporting rule-breakers through the Getting Help page or the Moderation forum is not only allowed, but encouraged. Doing so maliciously or spamming Moderation with questionable requests may invoke a penalty, at the Mod's discretion.
And yet here you say, to someone that comes to you, instead of fighting back directly to similar flamebait :
Not really actionable.
Why then should you be surprised that people fight back and are ‘angered’ by griefing, flamebait and threats of Mods as a weapon, when in fact, griefing, flamebaiting and threads of mods as a weapon is not sufficient to gain help because it’s “Not really actionable." (the example answer is true and unhelpful even if all three offenses above were not true here, they were all true in regards to mine, (link) (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=463715&highlight=jacobia))
A more ...permanent solution has been declared.
p.s., don’t worry, I have no intention of writing further.