NationStates Jolt Archive

Flame and Flamebait

An archy
06-10-2005, 17:38
In the thread "There are Rumors that Bush is drinking agian" Lyric has made some statements that I think are entirely unacceptable. In response to the opening post he said this.
To a person who has many family members who are recovering alchoholics this is so unnecessarily offensive.
This statement also led to this series of exchanges.

Can't get everything we want though. Bush has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to be impeached for! You do know this I hope otherwise, its one more coffin in the Public Educational School System.

Thank God I was homeschooled. I have a better understanding on how the Government actually works.

As to this thread. Nothing to see here but a story for the enquirer? Boy isn't that funny. *goes off laughing*
This whole thread is probably getting out of hand. I would appreciate it greatly if a mod would lock it, please.
06-10-2005, 18:26
This whole thread is probably getting out of hand. I would appreciate it greatly if a mod would lock it, please.the whole thread is probably trolling or flamebait at least... IMHO.
An archy
06-10-2005, 19:38
the whole thread is probably trolling or flamebait at least... IMHO.
Agreed. It's sad that people often don't understand that they need to control themselves more when they debate such a sensative topic.
06-10-2005, 19:47

I'll leave it to another moderator, if they feel that it should be locked or left open.
An archy
06-10-2005, 20:22
Thank you, Euroslavia.