Dead Baby Jokes
I'm pretty sensitive to these...and the worst thing is, sometimes you end up reading one before you realise what it is...
Are they allowed? Because they make me want to throw up.
24-09-2005, 00:05
Moved on over to spam.
24-09-2005, 00:09
Out of interest, were it not in a spam thread, would it still not be allowed? Sick jokes like this would seem to me to at least borderline trolling/flamebaiting - but at the same time, 'freedom of humour' is often cited, and people can usually get away with things in jest they wouldn't otherwise.
24-09-2005, 00:36
Out of interest, were it not in a spam thread, would it still not be allowed? Sick jokes like this would seem to me to at least borderline trolling/flamebaiting - but at the same time, 'freedom of humour' is often cited, and people can usually get away with things in jest they wouldn't otherwise.
There is a 'freedom of humor', but when it gets obscene, that's when something needs to be done. I would consider dead baby jokes to be under the obscene clause.
I V Stalin
24-09-2005, 01:37
I'm pretty sensitive to these...and the worst thing is, sometimes you end up reading one before you realise what it is...
Are they allowed? Because they make me want to throw up.
You took offence at the dead baby jokes, but the following were fine?
-Links Removed-
Ok, that's pretty much the same as #49, but still.
Nietzsche Heretics
24-09-2005, 16:03
i'll ask for at least the 2nd,3rd,5th, and 7th linked posts to be removed because of being utterly inappropriate.
i'll also take the (non-mod) freedom to advise I V stalin not to post any such "jokes" anymore (i have read+understood your claim not be racist or anything the like, but, be that the case or not, these are highly offensive and you ought to refrain form posting them out of respect for other human beings.
24-09-2005, 16:47
i'll ask for at least the 2nd,3rd,5th, and 7th linked posts to be removed because of being utterly inappropriate.
i'll also take the (non-mod) freedom to advise I V stalin not to post any such "jokes" anymore (i have read+understood your claim not be racist or anything the like, but, be that the case or not, these are highly offensive and you ought to refrain form posting them out of respect for other human beings.
Links removed. The thread has already been moved over to spam.
Lemmingcus Meenicus
25-09-2005, 01:44
I like dead Baby jokes.
However, I find the terms "Scumservative" , "NeoCon", and "Shrub" offensive.
I can agree with removing dead Baby Jokes if it offends people. I trust we'll continue that path of removing other terms that offend people?
Dread Lady Nathicana
25-09-2005, 02:16
It's a sad day when someone equates making fun/light of dead babies with being called a neocon. You don't really expect to be taken seriously with all that, do you?
*pauses to think about it ... remembers what forum this is coming from, and the self-important obsessiveness and levels of ridiculousness that this sort of thing tends to be inspired by*
Nevermind that last bit. First statement stands.
Please note: comments here are not directed to the General forum overall. Just the aforementioned ridiculous/egoist bits. You got a problem with that? Deal.
It's a sad day when someone equates making fun/light of dead babies with being called a neocon. You don't really expect to be taken seriously with all that, do you?
*pauses to think about it ... remembers what forum this is coming from, and the self-important obsessiveness and levels of ridiculousness that this sort of thing tends to be inspired by*
Nevermind that last bit. First statement stands.
Please note: comments here are not directed to the General forum overall. Just the aforementioned ridiculous/egoist bits. You got a problem with that? Deal.Dealing... so it's duces wild, 3 card draw...
oops, sorry misunderstood... :D
Humor is relative. what is funny to some may not be funny to others. when you really think about it, all jokes can be offensive to someone. even the "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes can offend some animal right groups.
one mail group I was on, Racisit Jokes, frequently got letters by people who were offended by all the Race slanted jokes on the thread.... duh :rolleyes:
I take it in stride an laugh at em all... including those aimed at my group. after all, if you can't laugh at yourself...
25-09-2005, 03:20
If you want to read jokes, go to a joke site. I'm an admin on one of the biggest, and we've got all the racist, sexist, and sick jokes you want. We've also got a warning posted, stating "If you're under 18, Get lost." That site is R, sometimes X, and I can't link to it without having to warn myself.
This is a political simulation site, where discussion of politics is common. It's also PG-13. I'll continue to allow political epithets (when non-flaming), and I'll continue to delete and warn over dead baby jokes.
Lemmingcus Meenicus
25-09-2005, 03:43
If you want to read jokes, go to a joke site. I'm an admin on one of the biggest, and we've got all the racist, sexist, and sick jokes you want. We've also got a warning posted, stating "If you're under 18, Get lost." That site is R, sometimes X, and I can't link to it without having to warn myself.
This is a political simulation site, where discussion of politics is common. It's also PG-13. I'll continue to allow political epithets (when non-flaming), and I'll continue to delete and warn over dead baby jokes.
Ahh, so It's ok to offend when discussing politics, but it's not ok to offend when posting a joke?
Funny. I would think that if we weren't going to offend, we should make it a blanket statement instead of a conditional one.
The message I see is "It's ok to offend since I agree with those statements!".
The message ignored is "I see no harm in the jokes others might find offensive that others find funny".
Dread Lady Nathicana
25-09-2005, 04:00
Went right over your head, didn't it? People can and will get 'offended' over just about anything. Try putting things in context. Blanket statements don't work, nor do overly tight rules and regs on a forum like this. By nature, things need to operate on a case by case basis.
One observation, though: If more people used some common sense and 'moderated' themselves a bit more, we'd see less of this sort of squabbling over minutae.
Don't sweat the small stuff, remember that your own responses can often influence the responses of others, & choose your battles wisely. Fussing over a bit of childish name-calling, getting a nose out of joint because someone has the audacity to challenge your opinion, pitching a fit any time an opposing view seems to be gaining the upper hand in a discussion - that isn't going to get you anywhere.
Then again, what do I know. Just another player with an opinion just like anyone. And most definitely lacking any authority here, so don't take this as anything but what it is - my own unasked-for $.02.
Lemmingcus Meenicus
25-09-2005, 04:11
Went right over your head, didn't it?
Hello pot, what color is that kettle again?
Dread Lady Nathicana
25-09-2005, 04:13
Was that an attempt at ... what. Debate? Wit? Regardless, you missed your mark - about as far as you missed the point earlier. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
Please try again.
25-09-2005, 04:17
No, don't.
You'll see what you want to. I'll continue to use posted rules, mod precedent, and the judgement I was 'hired' to use when moderating this site.
Since this has turned into yet another ZOMGMODBIAS thread, iLock.