NationStates Jolt Archive

I was proven wrong

Sheer Stupidity
27-08-2005, 19:09
Recently, I was complaining about a moderator bias that I thought I was seeing. I was making the charge based on evidence that I saw when the mods were a different set of people. In other words, even if my charges were valid, they don't apply to the current moderators we have today. I have seen new evidence today that further shows me how wrong I was.

At this time I want to apologize to the moderators of this forum for falsely accusing you. It is not the moderators that have a bias on this forum. It is the other members of the forum. My mistake. Sorry about that.

There are three mods in particular (they know who they are) who I clashed with over this. I don't know why I wasn't able to make my point clearly. I guess the way I present things makes more sense to me than to anyone else. My volatile reaction was largely due to frustration over not being able to present my case in a way that made sense to you. I'm sorry I offended you because that was not my intention. I got mad because it sounded to me like you were attacking me in order to dodge my main point, which is a tactic people have used on me before. Its frustrating. Now that I find out my main point was wrong, I feel like I just walked up to someone on a crowded street and punched him in the face for no reason, and now everyone is just standing there staring at me saying "what an asshole". I'm sorry, guys. My bad.

If there ever comes a time when I feel there is a reason for me to post in the mod forums again, maybe that time we can figure out a way for me to explain myself without offending you. I'd hate to have to go through all this BS again.

27-08-2005, 20:04
Speaking only for myself, personally, I accept your apology.

Speaking officially: As long as you remember that anger and posting don't mix, you should be fine. Vitriol gets more attention than logical arguments because the vitriol provokes emotional responses. Thus, logical points can go honestly unnoticed as a result. This is actually why we require everyone to remain civil when debating; flaming, flamebait, and such distract from any potentially-enlightening discussion and drags the whole conversation down. The same applies to appealing Moderator decisions.

--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation
"Think about it for a moment."
NationStates Game Moderator
27-08-2005, 20:25
I'm not a moderator myself, but I do appreciate your taking the time to write an apology. I think it shows a lot of maturity on your part.
27-08-2005, 21:18
Welcome back.
Pompey FC
27-08-2005, 22:41
Yeah, very well said, showing alot of maturity and also intelligence.

It takes a brave man to fight against all odds, but it takes a braver one to step back and admit to the world that he was wrong.
28-08-2005, 00:22
Welcome back. I look forward you to being a valuable member of the NationStates community.