Do you support flaming?
Neo Kervoskia
14-08-2005, 19:37
Stinky head cheese is at it again.
Things to remember:
1. When bending over backwards to appease the toerrists, it helps if you drive to your protest in an electric car, not a an SUV.
2. When protesting this "illegal war" it is good form to lie as much as possible about the President, the War in Iraq, and your fellow citizens, the American Soldier.
3. Take all your cues from, Airhead America, and the racist pukes in the democrat party.
4. Be sure your facists ideas are in synch with your unwashed boyfriend, I would hate to seee you to have a fight.
5. Be sure you insult everyone who does not believe the same as you, because "acceptance of a person is acceptance of their beliefs".
Stop being a bigot. You can disagree with someone without being an uncouth bigot.
14-08-2005, 20:04
In all fairness mods, I am reading thru the topic now... there is some nice discussion, but there is also a lot of questionable posts, only one of which is reprented here...
It would be nice if a mod could just peek thru it, if not, I could post a list of what I would deem questionable if it would help.
Neo Kervoskia
14-08-2005, 20:24
That's an over the top comparision.
Overall it's a fine thread, as said above, it's just a few bits of smoke and flame.
14-08-2005, 20:31
Personally, I dont agree with the comparison, but I dont think it violates the TOS. If President Bush was a member here, it would be a flame to be sure. As it is, maybe just trolling or flamebait, but I dont know of what severity.
Neo Rogolia
14-08-2005, 20:48
What happened to the NS we had before all the unrestricted flaming and immature little children? :mad:
14-08-2005, 20:54
Personally, I dont agree with the comparison, but I dont think it violates the TOS. If President Bush was a member here, it would be a flame to be sure. As it is, maybe just trolling or flamebait, but I dont know of what severity.
To be fair, it was less a comparison to Bush and more of a parody of one poster's belief that one should always support the leader, no matter what.
The Lone Alliance
14-08-2005, 20:55
I only support certain flames:
If they have
Correct Spelling
No Cursing
Makes sense
not too rude
14-08-2005, 20:56
To be fair, it was less a comparison to Bush and more of a parody of one poster's belief that one should always support the leader, no matter what.I am aware, but it is still a comparison, but since it is in fact ment to be a parody, that is why I said I dont think it is overly actionable in that sence.
14-08-2005, 23:28
What happened to the NS we had before all the unrestricted flaming and immature little children? :mad:
Enough with your complaining in other peoples' threads. You need to grow a thicker skin, rather than running to the Moderation forum just because someone disagrees with you.
~The Modified Freedom Forces of Euroslavia
Nationstates Forum Moderator~
Euroslavia sorry to have to report again on this thread but the whole "Laerod go to hell you nazi thing" in this post may be seen as a little harsh
Euroslavia sorry to have to report again on this thread but the whole "Laerod go to hell you nazi thing" in this post may be seen as a little harsh"Little harsh" harsh is quite an understatement. I'm trying very hard not to explode on him... :mad:
15-08-2005, 04:13
This will be dealt with in the other thread. (
~The Modified Freedom Forces of Euroslavia
Nationstates Forum Moderator~