Marxist Rhetoric
20-07-2005, 00:36
I have been wondering about the rules of perma-ban. Quite recently, Aequitas ejected a nation that had been warned for griefing. This nation counted as a native so we didn't perma-ban him. He has subsequently popped in, harassed us and then been booted. He had many puppets who did the same. They were not natives and they were promptly perma-banned. Anyways, he pops in every day or so to harass us, prophesying death and doom for Aequitas and accusing our leaders of being puppets. Can we perma-ban him without it being considered a rules violation?
NOTE: I am not representative of Aequitas. I am merely a concerned citizen who is quite annoyed by this griefing nation. There was a short debate about perma-banning him in our HQ and it ruled that we would not do so.
The Noble Men
20-07-2005, 01:09
I have been wondering about the rules of perma-ban. Quite recently, Aequitas ejected a nation that had been warned for griefing. This nation counted as a native so we didn't perma-ban him. He has subsequently popped in, harassed us and then been booted. He had many puppets who did the same. They were not natives and they were promptly perma-banned. Anyways, he pops in every day or so to harass us, prophesying death and doom for Aequitas and accusing our leaders of being puppets. Can we perma-ban him without it being considered a rules violation?
NOTE: I am not representative of Aequitas. I am merely a concerned citizen who is quite annoyed by this griefing nation. There was a short debate about perma-banning him in our HQ and it ruled that we would not do so.
Hmm...just a guess here, but I think it's safe to say he can be booted.
20-07-2005, 01:16
Hmm...just a guess here, but I think it's safe to say he can be booted.
I wouldn't speculate about things such as this, especially since you aren't sure of the answer. Ultimately, it is a moderators decision.
One option you have is to request that your Founder, Andromidus, kick and ban him. The Founder can kick and ban whomever they please, seeing as it's their region.
Most Recent Government Activity: 13 hours ago
Your founder is active, so I'd suggest sending him a telegram, to kick and ban him, if he is causing such a stir in your region.
Marxist Rhetoric
20-07-2005, 02:07
Yes, we have booted him and he continues to return as we are cautious to perma-ban him for fear of retribution from the Moderator's authority. Could a mod please answer my question?
There are different rules concerning UN delegates who ban people and regional founders who ban people. So, if your founder is the one to ban him, you're well within the rules since founders have near limitless powers over their region. If your delegate does it though, it's a more difficult situation (since there are different rules) and that will probably require a deeper look into things.