Griefing / Illegal Refounding of North Atlantic
The United States of Lovebug Starsky has griefed and illegally re-founded the region "North Atlantic" in the past 12 hrs. Please re-set this region to the status before the griefing.
This petition has been sent through the FAQ. Please take notice.
The True founder of North Atlantic
Dystopian Earth
19-07-2005, 16:38
wtf is griefing?
Thanks for the moderation, obviously I authorize no one except myself to re-found the region.
19-07-2005, 17:15
Thanks for the moderation, obviously I authorize no one except myself to re-found the region.
Jimmm. The MODs have lives also. Their life doesn't revolve around the game. it takes more than 40 minute for them to notice your thread. Please calm down and wait for them to take notice of this.
19-07-2005, 17:24
He wasn't being sarcastic, he was expressing thanks. It's been taken care of.
19-07-2005, 17:45
Sorry Fris.
didn't see a mod reply so i thought it was still being worked on....
I feel stupid now.....heh....
I checked back into North Atlantic before bed. I was expecting that the region was not re-set as the regions don't typically re-set until 2am American.
I found that some jerk just re-founded the region. Like I said, this is unauthorized.
It is not fair that this person benefit from a griefing. I am the true founder of this region.
Please reset this region back to when I was the founder.
True Founder of North Atlantic.
The Anti Commi Clan
20-07-2005, 05:00
Hmm, thought I should mention that Jimmm was an illegal founder in the first place when it was griefed 2 months ago. In case anyone cares that he is just protecting his own illigitimate foundership.
20-07-2005, 07:56
Unless you can prove beyond any and all doubt that someone is responsable for a rule break... it must be done via the GHP...
Oh yeah, if I recall what Fris said correctly, even if you KNOW FOR A FACT that a rule was broken (IE, yourself) you must still use the GHP... I am pretty sure your accusation The Anti Commi Clan, therefore is in the wrong place.
The Anti Commi Clan
20-07-2005, 09:30
Yes thank you. I was not officially accusing anyone, and at the time when I did nothing happened.
No need to lecture me on game rules, I know them as well as anyone and have posted in moderation more times than you have.
20-07-2005, 14:30
Jimmm. The MODs have lives also. Their life doesn't revolve around the game. it takes more than 40 minute for them to notice your thread. Please calm down and wait for them to take notice of this.
Didn't this time... :p
28-07-2005, 03:48
No griefers ever came from The North Atlantic Ocean game region to North Atlantic. TNAO never authorized such an attempt at griefing the North Atlantic region, and never would. Nor would we ever do so with any other region in this very game we're all now participating in here, for that matter, in fact. When the aforementioned episode happened, many nations native to the region were ejected from it by Wonder Walt, including at least two or three of Slaabovia's allies. If you seek sufficient enough proof of what we now are saying here, moderators, you are more than welcome to check our regional happenings of at least the past several months. And I'm sure that you have copies of any telegrams that might pertain to this case, as well as the IP's and the e-mail addresses related to the nations in question here, for that matter, moderators. You will find that we have been keeping a rather low and rather silent profile for the time period in question. Before you decide in Jimmm's favor here, if you do, please check out all necessary matters here, if you so choose.
For instance, moderators, how could a non-founder who was not actually a regional delegate with access to the regional controls eject numerous natives legally, by the rules of the game that we are all now participating in here? Not possible. by the rules of the game by which we have agreed to play it here, it seems to us all. We in TNAO strongly oppose any episodes of griefing by any nation in this game in any region of it. Especially in North Atlantic. The XML's, telegrams, and regional happenings of either region for the time period in question should prove that is the case here and now. And our conduct in the process of playing this game ever since joining it should prove it quite well to you who are moderators, we hope.
While we still sympathize quite strongly with Jimmm for the recent problems in the North Atlantic, we are still not responsible for the recent griefing episode there, in actual reality. And anyone who would think we or any of our allies or friends were is unfortunately mistaken. The facts are apparently these at the current time, moderators. Seeing as there are now two regions with similiar names to each other in this game, it seems to us here that someone wanted to try to destroy two different regions at the same time with the same exact plan of attack against either region or both regions. We actually are not responsible in any way whatsoever, moderators, for the recent griefing episode in North Atlantic.
And if we actually had more UN nations in TNAO, we might even be willing to help defend the North Atlantic from any who would seek to take it over. But as it stands right now, at least, there are no other nations with that status in TNAO. Both regions currently have quite low numbers of nations. And both regions have not grown significantly for the last nearly six months, in fact. Both regions are quite weak, but both are still currently secure, from invasion. We in TNAO will not stoop to Jimmm's apparent level here, and start to attack him without just cause and/or sufficient amounts of proof, however. He may still act as he sees fit, of course. But as it stands right now, the preponderance of evidence is on our side in this matter, it seems to us here. If you seek to have proof of that, moderators, you are welcome to review all the necessary items here, if you so choose, and are still able to do so here, of course. We will do nothing that might jeopardize our statuses as active nations in this game, if we can possibly avoid doing so at all, moderators.
Until later, then, moderators, and anyone else who might be following this particular thread, this is Slaabovia now signing off here. Justice Through Righteousness And Strength. Slaabovia out.
28-07-2005, 04:38
Hmmm. Why would you post several paragraphs defending an accusation that never happened, at least not here? Ah, you must be referring to that RP post on your RMB from another player.
It's the first I've heard of it, and hopefully the last. Save your defense to the mods for when the mods are actually interested in something. Oh, and Jimmm ...? Take messages from non-mods with a grain of salt. They might be ... well ... lying to you.
This topic is closed.