A little consistency please
The Nazz
03-07-2005, 05:29
A couple of weeks ago, you folks locked my thread, titled Operation Yellow Elephant, for trolling and flamebait. And yet, not a peep on this crap. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=429613&page=1&pp=15) If my thread was trolling and flamebait--which I still maintain, it wasn't--then the thread I linked is most certainly trolling and flamebait. All I'm asking for is a little consistency here. I'd like to think that the mods are above allowing their own political biases to influence how they moderate the forums, after all.
03-07-2005, 05:43
Forum issues at the moment are preventing moderator action in several cases.
03-07-2005, 05:50
Mods are not omnipressant (sp?) they cannot see everywhere at once. Place a nice suggestion for them to investigate, and let things go from there. I dont reccomend beligerence in the first post of the matter (or any for that matter)
The Most Glorious Hack
03-07-2005, 06:06
What a charming person you are.
You could have simply requested us to look into it like a normal poster, you know.
The Nazz
03-07-2005, 06:08
What a charming person you are.
You could have simply requested us to look into it like a normal poster, you know.
Thanks for locking the thread. I could have complained like a normal poster, I suppose, but then again, this is hardly the first thread of this type that has gone unmoderated, so perhaps I was feeling a bit snarky.
03-07-2005, 07:21
For future reference: the mods rely on players to bring them news of offensive/illegal material. It is quite possible that no one noticed the thread or thought to report it.
Next point: never ever demand that a mod do something for you. They volunteer for the job, which takes up a lot of time in their otherwise busy lives. If they have the time and inclination, they will check into it. Make a deman like that and it is quite possible they will ignore you for being rude.
Last point: everything here is on a case-by-case basis. Another possibility is that a mod looked into your complaint and took no action because they decided it was not warrented.
EDIT: I looked at the thread and yes, it did indeed warrant mod action, however, the above advice stands for future cases.
Tuesday Heights
03-07-2005, 07:31
Only to continue BLARGistania's point...
This forum boasts more posts than any other forum on Jolt. The moderators can't possibly search the forums every day for every single infraction. This is why they rely on players to report rule violations that they witness, because with the amount of players on the forums far outweighing the number of moderators, chances are a player will catch an infraction before the moderator.
Under these circumstances, it's easy to see why the thread you linked to went unnoticed.
03-07-2005, 08:36
Actually it is too bad that this thread was locked. In the first post there is a request to download a video (it took over an hour with a cable modem, and another hour to view), but after viewing it, many good debating points could have been brought forward, But alas the thread turned into a flamefest.
Nazz would have enjoyed the ensuing debate to say the least.
From the first thread:
To see those who dreamed up "yellow elephant" in action just download the video of "Liberty Rising" from protest warrior's site. It's got a piece near of the end of this completely insane Irish guy who was protesting the RNC convention. He didn't have a damn clue about anything, it's comical.
Liberty Rising (http://www.protestwarrior.com/videos/liberty_rising.php)
03-07-2005, 15:05
Wait.... The Nazz had a thread locked, yet he's allowed to have the link to the locked thread in his sig?
The Nazz
04-07-2005, 03:07
Wait.... The Nazz had a thread locked, yet he's allowed to have the link to the locked thread in his sig?
You might try actually following the link in my sig before making a baseless charge like that one.
Tuesday Heights
04-07-2005, 03:28
Wait.... The Nazz had a thread locked, yet he's allowed to have the link to the locked thread in his sig?
The link leads to the Moderation forum. Besides, I don't believe their is a rule that says a player can't link to a locked thread. If the thread was really that bad, a moderator would delete it, but I could be wrong.
04-07-2005, 03:34
I don't believe their is a rule that says a player can't link to a locked thread.
You can even link to this one if you want.