Leperous monkeyballs
01-07-2005, 14:47
Exhibit A (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9124162&postcount=27)
Leperous monkeyballs: Official Warning - Flaming and flamebait.
Given your previous warning for trolling, iForumban, 1 week.
Additionally, it has come to my attention that you have been using foul language excessively on NationStates. While profanity per se is not strictly verboten, your excessive use of it is not acceptable. Given that you have just been forumbanned, any further cases will result in your deletion.
Exhibit B (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9127795&postcount=10)
Second, while I haven't warned "Leperous monkeyballs" for swearing, by itself, I have come to the conclusion that he is either unwilling or unable to control his own use of language on NationStates. Thus, as a result of his conduct, he is prohibited from swearing at all; I haven't warned him for swearing alone, yet, but I will do so in the future.
After a suspension served without complaint (although I still don't see where I flamed the person according to your TOS to such an extent as to warrant a week off given that I did NOT personally attack the player), it is rather interesting to discover that I am to be made subject to a singular version of the TOS to which NO other player is subject. This is, of course, being done to force me to re-invent my character as it "pushes the bounds". What is most odd is that it is being done without my ever being asked in an official capacity to tone it down as Cog seems to insinuate in his comment that implies that my "controlling myself" has been requested but that I failed to do so. And also despite my statements in advance that this character would be crude, (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9065506&postcount=14) a statement that was - incidentally - totally ignored by you at the time Cog (as was, I might add, the final disposition of that Trolling offense).
So where is the hypocrisy you may ask?
Well, while I received nothing I would have deemed to be an official request to tone it down, when I tried accessing the board and got the "you've been suspended" message, I logged into my nation to find this Telegram in my inbox from a few short hours prior:
From: The Modulated Oligarchical State of Frisbeeteria
Yes, everyone knows that it amuses you to say "fucking". Yes, everyone knows that you enjoy pushing the limits right to the fucking edge. So now that you've proved your point that you can write like that without being deleted, why don't you just fucking back off. The joke has lost its flavor.
NS Forum Moderator
Now is THAT how you give official requests these days? An uncouth and out of character message that, interestingly enough, uses the same tone as you objected to from me? And, by indicating that it is not a deletable offense also acknowledges that my posts have been entirely within the TOS? What am I supposed to make of that? Was this what I should have taken to be some sort of suggestion that I seemed unwilling to follow? Or can someone please point me to any other such request?
Rest assured Fris that this message as well as a link to this thread have been forwarded to Max for his adjudication as I found your message uncalled for, totally unprofessional, and a far more egregious transgression than any that I may have made.
Because I remained IN CHARACTER! This is NOT in your character nor that of the Mods in general. At least I should hope that it isn't and have seen no evidence to support that idea.
So the question is, if what I was doing WAS within the TOS as has been clearly articulated, why am I being singled out for harsher treatment than others are subjected to?
I'm within the TOS, but you just don't like it? Then change the TOS! Or clarify it!
You know, it seems that some people have trouble getting past the words to get to the message. That some haven't been able to figure out the point of this character. They are so used to seeing the intellectual discussion and the trolls, that the very existence of another type of player is foreign to their psyches. But much as there is Rush Limbaugh to counterpoint mainstream punditry, or Howard Stern to counterpoint other radio talk shows, there is, I think, also a place for the shock-jock of NS.
Because it serves a purpose. It represents what brought us all here in the first place. We all got involved in politics because something grabbed us in our guts and either made us proud or offended us. The issues mattered to us in ways that they just don't seem to for so many others. And Leperous Monkeyballs provides the same mental subtext that we all have felt on our journey to political awareness.
We read about someone doing or saying something that makes our blood boil, and we think to ourselves "What the <expletive> is that <expletive> <expletive> progeny of a <expletive> doing that for? Don't they <expletive> know how the <expletive> <expletive> is going to affect the <expletive> <expletive>? Did that <expletive> pull that idea out of <expletive><expletive>"
And then we come here (or wherever), settle down, pull that veneer of social conformity down over our minds and instead of saying what we really feel in our guts we type "I find myself somewhat disappointed at the seeming poorly thought out decision by the honorable so-and-so as evidenced by their clear and willful blindness to exhibit A...."
Well, that is all well and good, but sometimes that veneer needs to be pulled away. Sometimes things can be expressed crudely in ways impossible to equal through purely intellectual output in a manner that really grabs your guts. It puts the gut emotion into some concepts that sorely need it. I mean, I could write a beautiful treatise on how some people's partisan loyalties blind them to the foibles of their chosen party. And people could critique it.
Or I could say, as I did: (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9107558&postcount=348)
Hey look, if you are of the mindset that those who choose public life should be coddled, deified, and treated with respect no matter what they do, then you are - of course - welcome to that viewpoint.
Some of us, however, demand more of our public figures that to be grudging allowed to suck their collective asses while telling them how fucking brilliant they are, and then turning around so they can have their way with us - all the while screaming out our thanks as they bugger up us and our countries.
Lunatic? No, the lunatic is the person who just smiles, nods their head, and offers up sloppy seconds without pausing to see if they got given the clap the first time around....
That leaves no doubt whatsoever as to the way I feel about self-induced, partisan blindness. It presents the way I feel about it in terms for which no equivocation can be made.
Similarly, the uncouth can be used to put the spotlight on those who hide their inner voice in order to paste a dishonest air of legitimacy to their position. A case in point would be true bigots or racists who hide behind false prose that attempts to justify reasons other than pure hatred as a motivating factor for their point of view. Which is not to attempt to label everyone on a certain side of a point of view as a bigot or racists, but let us be honest and admit that these TRULY foul creatures do exist. In that case, exposing their inner monologue in a manner that puts it out there whilst simultaneously ridiculing it also serves a valid purpose. It is generally called satire, and that is what I did in a rebuttal on the issue of homosexual marriage (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9065994&postcount=9).
a couple of fudge-packers were given a piece of paper that forces us to aknowledge the existance of their relationship instead of allowing us to ignore and/or condemn them? How could this happen?
Shit - suddenly EVERYONE can get an equal crack at these pieces of paper. That makes no fucking sense at all! I mean, suddenly this means that my piece of paper is no better than theirs, which - in effect - means that I'm not any more special than them?
This cannot possibly be true can it?
This is an abomination. An indication in the decline in our moral fabric that we recognize these fruitcakes rather than simply spitting on them like the good old days.
And god will surely punish us for it.
There will be plagues of miniature locusts wiping out our pubic hairs - just you wait an see. Indeed, He will probably show us the depth of His anger with our actions by inflicting upon us the worst fucking punishment that He can concieve for us!
For fuck's sake, He'll probably go so far as to make the Leafs win the cup!
Frankly, that's more punishment that I could possibly bear!
For which all I got was nailed by someone who took my comment on the leafs winning the cup as a personal jab when - if they had actually caught the satire - they would have noticed that I was SUPPORTING their position.
So the question that I'm sure now crops up is, "Sure Lep, but did you have to be so ruddy crude ALL THE TIME?????"
Yes I did.
You gave me no choice.
The simple fact is that the TOS leaves no other option. The definition of flaming etc makes the clear statement that it is usually determined by out-of-character degeneration into uncouth behavior. Or, as your rules state:
Flame: Expressing anger at someone in uncouth ways with OOC (out-of-character) comments (i.e. swearing, being obnoxious, threatening etc). It does to watch what you post IC (in-character) as well unless the other posters know you're not serious. You do not need to curse to be a flamer. Erudite slams while maintaining a veneer of politeness can also be considered flaming.
So, in order to present this crude inner monologue it either has to be done all the time, or not at all else it becomes subject to interpretation as to it being in or out of character and hence as to it's applicability under flaming rules.
And, incidentally Fris, that is what Xanaz clearly caught onto that you didn't. (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9148476&postcount=21) This character may be uncouth, rude, crude, and perhaps obnoxious. But he IS consistent and as a rule he is not directing the crudity in a personal manner at other players. When you tried to equate me to Eutrusca you were WAY off base as he has a clear history of vacillating between his persona of the knowledgeable, friendly, old centrist, and his Tourettes-like sudden forays into personal blistering attacks as once documented by Sdaeriji (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=7611942&postcount=7), or as simply shown with this example (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=7980591&postcount=29)
What are you? An exercise in artificial stupidity? There's a world of difference between "facts" and "truth." Even extreme leftists can use "facts." "Truth," however, seems to constantly escape them.
You would be hard pressed to find similar instance of such spurious directed insults at other NS players by myself. Indeed, I dare say that you won't find ANY instances. And THAT, my dear Fris, is the difference between us that Xanaz could determine that you could not. But given that you then complained about her being "too polite" I am frankly at a complete loss as to what you DO expect of players!
So, I guess the questions remaining are the following:
Is there a place for a NS shock-jock? And if not then why not? Frankly, under the circumstances I would kind of like Max's opinion on this one hence my letter to him on this matter, and also as I felt that Fris crossed a line with his(her?) TG to me.
If the answer is No, then as long as it seems that I am to have my own personal TOS to be administered by Cog, can I please get the complete list of what the words are that I am not allowed to say, but that everyone else here is permitted to use?
I mean, as long as you are going to be so inconsistent in your application of the general rules that you admit in your correspondence that I haven't broken them at the same time as you treat me as if I had - under those circumstance it would be rather nice to know what my own personal set of rules is to be... you know, so I can have a much less vague idea of where the line is that I am not crossing...
Oh yes, and I would appreciate it if you didn't just lock this thread as "awaiting the word from above". It seems that this is an issue that goes to the very heart of permissible NS game play, and my assumption is that other players may have an opinion on whether they feel that this should or should not be deemed within the legitimate bounds of the spectrum of discussion styles. I know this is not a democracy, however they may have some worthwhile input on the matter.
Leperous monkeyballs: Official Warning - Flaming and flamebait.
Given your previous warning for trolling, iForumban, 1 week.
Additionally, it has come to my attention that you have been using foul language excessively on NationStates. While profanity per se is not strictly verboten, your excessive use of it is not acceptable. Given that you have just been forumbanned, any further cases will result in your deletion.
Exhibit B (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9127795&postcount=10)
Second, while I haven't warned "Leperous monkeyballs" for swearing, by itself, I have come to the conclusion that he is either unwilling or unable to control his own use of language on NationStates. Thus, as a result of his conduct, he is prohibited from swearing at all; I haven't warned him for swearing alone, yet, but I will do so in the future.
After a suspension served without complaint (although I still don't see where I flamed the person according to your TOS to such an extent as to warrant a week off given that I did NOT personally attack the player), it is rather interesting to discover that I am to be made subject to a singular version of the TOS to which NO other player is subject. This is, of course, being done to force me to re-invent my character as it "pushes the bounds". What is most odd is that it is being done without my ever being asked in an official capacity to tone it down as Cog seems to insinuate in his comment that implies that my "controlling myself" has been requested but that I failed to do so. And also despite my statements in advance that this character would be crude, (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9065506&postcount=14) a statement that was - incidentally - totally ignored by you at the time Cog (as was, I might add, the final disposition of that Trolling offense).
So where is the hypocrisy you may ask?
Well, while I received nothing I would have deemed to be an official request to tone it down, when I tried accessing the board and got the "you've been suspended" message, I logged into my nation to find this Telegram in my inbox from a few short hours prior:
From: The Modulated Oligarchical State of Frisbeeteria
Yes, everyone knows that it amuses you to say "fucking". Yes, everyone knows that you enjoy pushing the limits right to the fucking edge. So now that you've proved your point that you can write like that without being deleted, why don't you just fucking back off. The joke has lost its flavor.
NS Forum Moderator
Now is THAT how you give official requests these days? An uncouth and out of character message that, interestingly enough, uses the same tone as you objected to from me? And, by indicating that it is not a deletable offense also acknowledges that my posts have been entirely within the TOS? What am I supposed to make of that? Was this what I should have taken to be some sort of suggestion that I seemed unwilling to follow? Or can someone please point me to any other such request?
Rest assured Fris that this message as well as a link to this thread have been forwarded to Max for his adjudication as I found your message uncalled for, totally unprofessional, and a far more egregious transgression than any that I may have made.
Because I remained IN CHARACTER! This is NOT in your character nor that of the Mods in general. At least I should hope that it isn't and have seen no evidence to support that idea.
So the question is, if what I was doing WAS within the TOS as has been clearly articulated, why am I being singled out for harsher treatment than others are subjected to?
I'm within the TOS, but you just don't like it? Then change the TOS! Or clarify it!
You know, it seems that some people have trouble getting past the words to get to the message. That some haven't been able to figure out the point of this character. They are so used to seeing the intellectual discussion and the trolls, that the very existence of another type of player is foreign to their psyches. But much as there is Rush Limbaugh to counterpoint mainstream punditry, or Howard Stern to counterpoint other radio talk shows, there is, I think, also a place for the shock-jock of NS.
Because it serves a purpose. It represents what brought us all here in the first place. We all got involved in politics because something grabbed us in our guts and either made us proud or offended us. The issues mattered to us in ways that they just don't seem to for so many others. And Leperous Monkeyballs provides the same mental subtext that we all have felt on our journey to political awareness.
We read about someone doing or saying something that makes our blood boil, and we think to ourselves "What the <expletive> is that <expletive> <expletive> progeny of a <expletive> doing that for? Don't they <expletive> know how the <expletive> <expletive> is going to affect the <expletive> <expletive>? Did that <expletive> pull that idea out of <expletive><expletive>"
And then we come here (or wherever), settle down, pull that veneer of social conformity down over our minds and instead of saying what we really feel in our guts we type "I find myself somewhat disappointed at the seeming poorly thought out decision by the honorable so-and-so as evidenced by their clear and willful blindness to exhibit A...."
Well, that is all well and good, but sometimes that veneer needs to be pulled away. Sometimes things can be expressed crudely in ways impossible to equal through purely intellectual output in a manner that really grabs your guts. It puts the gut emotion into some concepts that sorely need it. I mean, I could write a beautiful treatise on how some people's partisan loyalties blind them to the foibles of their chosen party. And people could critique it.
Or I could say, as I did: (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9107558&postcount=348)
Hey look, if you are of the mindset that those who choose public life should be coddled, deified, and treated with respect no matter what they do, then you are - of course - welcome to that viewpoint.
Some of us, however, demand more of our public figures that to be grudging allowed to suck their collective asses while telling them how fucking brilliant they are, and then turning around so they can have their way with us - all the while screaming out our thanks as they bugger up us and our countries.
Lunatic? No, the lunatic is the person who just smiles, nods their head, and offers up sloppy seconds without pausing to see if they got given the clap the first time around....
That leaves no doubt whatsoever as to the way I feel about self-induced, partisan blindness. It presents the way I feel about it in terms for which no equivocation can be made.
Similarly, the uncouth can be used to put the spotlight on those who hide their inner voice in order to paste a dishonest air of legitimacy to their position. A case in point would be true bigots or racists who hide behind false prose that attempts to justify reasons other than pure hatred as a motivating factor for their point of view. Which is not to attempt to label everyone on a certain side of a point of view as a bigot or racists, but let us be honest and admit that these TRULY foul creatures do exist. In that case, exposing their inner monologue in a manner that puts it out there whilst simultaneously ridiculing it also serves a valid purpose. It is generally called satire, and that is what I did in a rebuttal on the issue of homosexual marriage (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9065994&postcount=9).
a couple of fudge-packers were given a piece of paper that forces us to aknowledge the existance of their relationship instead of allowing us to ignore and/or condemn them? How could this happen?
Shit - suddenly EVERYONE can get an equal crack at these pieces of paper. That makes no fucking sense at all! I mean, suddenly this means that my piece of paper is no better than theirs, which - in effect - means that I'm not any more special than them?
This cannot possibly be true can it?
This is an abomination. An indication in the decline in our moral fabric that we recognize these fruitcakes rather than simply spitting on them like the good old days.
And god will surely punish us for it.
There will be plagues of miniature locusts wiping out our pubic hairs - just you wait an see. Indeed, He will probably show us the depth of His anger with our actions by inflicting upon us the worst fucking punishment that He can concieve for us!
For fuck's sake, He'll probably go so far as to make the Leafs win the cup!
Frankly, that's more punishment that I could possibly bear!
For which all I got was nailed by someone who took my comment on the leafs winning the cup as a personal jab when - if they had actually caught the satire - they would have noticed that I was SUPPORTING their position.
So the question that I'm sure now crops up is, "Sure Lep, but did you have to be so ruddy crude ALL THE TIME?????"
Yes I did.
You gave me no choice.
The simple fact is that the TOS leaves no other option. The definition of flaming etc makes the clear statement that it is usually determined by out-of-character degeneration into uncouth behavior. Or, as your rules state:
Flame: Expressing anger at someone in uncouth ways with OOC (out-of-character) comments (i.e. swearing, being obnoxious, threatening etc). It does to watch what you post IC (in-character) as well unless the other posters know you're not serious. You do not need to curse to be a flamer. Erudite slams while maintaining a veneer of politeness can also be considered flaming.
So, in order to present this crude inner monologue it either has to be done all the time, or not at all else it becomes subject to interpretation as to it being in or out of character and hence as to it's applicability under flaming rules.
And, incidentally Fris, that is what Xanaz clearly caught onto that you didn't. (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9148476&postcount=21) This character may be uncouth, rude, crude, and perhaps obnoxious. But he IS consistent and as a rule he is not directing the crudity in a personal manner at other players. When you tried to equate me to Eutrusca you were WAY off base as he has a clear history of vacillating between his persona of the knowledgeable, friendly, old centrist, and his Tourettes-like sudden forays into personal blistering attacks as once documented by Sdaeriji (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=7611942&postcount=7), or as simply shown with this example (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=7980591&postcount=29)
What are you? An exercise in artificial stupidity? There's a world of difference between "facts" and "truth." Even extreme leftists can use "facts." "Truth," however, seems to constantly escape them.
You would be hard pressed to find similar instance of such spurious directed insults at other NS players by myself. Indeed, I dare say that you won't find ANY instances. And THAT, my dear Fris, is the difference between us that Xanaz could determine that you could not. But given that you then complained about her being "too polite" I am frankly at a complete loss as to what you DO expect of players!
So, I guess the questions remaining are the following:
Is there a place for a NS shock-jock? And if not then why not? Frankly, under the circumstances I would kind of like Max's opinion on this one hence my letter to him on this matter, and also as I felt that Fris crossed a line with his(her?) TG to me.
If the answer is No, then as long as it seems that I am to have my own personal TOS to be administered by Cog, can I please get the complete list of what the words are that I am not allowed to say, but that everyone else here is permitted to use?
I mean, as long as you are going to be so inconsistent in your application of the general rules that you admit in your correspondence that I haven't broken them at the same time as you treat me as if I had - under those circumstance it would be rather nice to know what my own personal set of rules is to be... you know, so I can have a much less vague idea of where the line is that I am not crossing...
Oh yes, and I would appreciate it if you didn't just lock this thread as "awaiting the word from above". It seems that this is an issue that goes to the very heart of permissible NS game play, and my assumption is that other players may have an opinion on whether they feel that this should or should not be deemed within the legitimate bounds of the spectrum of discussion styles. I know this is not a democracy, however they may have some worthwhile input on the matter.