'Reviving' (in a sense) a nation
The Anti-Nazi Reich
14-06-2005, 02:09
(OOC: I wish to remain anonymous, if possible.)
Mods, earlier today, I requested that I be DEATed, and though I wasn't, I did have my password changed. However, when I tried clicking on the "forgot your password" thing that sends the password to your e-mail address, it said I "never gave" my e-mail address. So, I was wondering: is it possible, someway, somehow, to get that nation back? If so, please TG me. If not, thanks for at least taking the time to read this.
The Anti-Nazi Reich
14-06-2005, 02:32
Can it be done?
14-06-2005, 02:55
Is it technically possible? Probably.
Is it likely to happen? Probably not.
You'll have to wait for the mod who made that decision to return online. Bumping a moderation topic every half-hour in an attempt to get a prior ruling reversed is not a sound tactic. I'd knock it off if I were you.
The Anti-Nazi Reich
14-06-2005, 02:57
Is it technically possible? Probably.
Is it likely to happen? Probably not.
You'll have to wait for the mod who made that decision to return online. Bumping a moderation topic every half-hour in an attempt to get a prior ruling reversed is not a sound tactic. I'd knock it off if I were you.
Yes, sir.
The Anti-Nazi Reich
14-06-2005, 23:37
Just out of curiosity, Fris, which mod was it?
15-06-2005, 09:32
Just out of curiosity, Fris, which mod was it?
It is not, and has never been, Moderator policy to reveal which particular Moderator performed a particular action. It's need-to-know information, and you don't need to know.
~ Tsar the Mod.
The Most Glorious Hack
15-06-2005, 10:26
No. We will not tell you who did it, nor will we undo it. You know exactly why this has happened. You were told the course of action to take and decided to take a different one.
Enjoy the results.
-The Most Glorious Hack
NationState Game Moderator
Oh, well. Thanks anyway, though.