NationStates Jolt Archive

Clarification Please!!

21-05-2005, 15:14
Am i allowed to telegram new nations from the feeder regions, to recruit them for my region?
21-05-2005, 15:21
21-05-2005, 15:26
Thank you. I was just reading a past thread about what we can and can't do, and I was not 100% sure that I wasn't breaking the rules.

Thanks again.
21-05-2005, 15:28
There's a detailed thread with a summary of the official rules here:
21-05-2005, 16:19
Thanks again. Wow there are lots of rules. Am I to assume that "autoscripting" is basically asking anybody and everybody to join, using the same message? Is this bad form?
21-05-2005, 16:23
Thanks again. Wow there are lots of rules. Am I to assume that "autoscripting" is basically asking anybody and everybody to join, using the same message? Is this bad form?

No, scripting is where you use a script to automatically send out telegrams.
There aren't many rules, most of that thread is just comments from a player. The official rules are summarised at the bottom.
21-05-2005, 16:28
Good. I do tend to use the same message but I do look at new nations and whether they would be good for the region, or cool flag, or motto etc. Getting off topic now so will shut up....

Thanks for all your help this afternoon Myrth.