Saffron Tigers
20-05-2005, 20:56
This is for the moderators of the game. We need moderation in the region of India.
Our Founder, Kathiawar, took away Delegate powers to Region Control in December 2004, by saying that it was a temporary measure for a few weeks. We have had many Delegate changes since, but our Founder has not given up Region Control to the Delegate.
That is not the problem. He is extremely inactive. He is on vacation mode, logs in on the 59th day for 2 minutes, and that is it. That is all for his activity. Currently, he is on a 19-day inactivity streak. The region is a ripe target for invaders and spammers, and we have several changes to make to the Factbook Entry, none of which is possible because the Founder has hogged up all regional power, and is inactive.
I had made a request for this back in February, under my ex-nation of Shonar Bangla. Then, the moderators said that we must wait for the Founder to die, and then, Delegate automatically gets the power.
Ever since, Kathiawar HAS died, when power did go temporarily to the Delegate, but he immediately resurrected, and again hogged up the power and went inactive.
Now, all I request is that you guys go in yourselves and give power to the Delegate. I will get as many other possible nation-states in the region of India to sign this petition.
Thank you,
Saffron Tigers
Our Founder, Kathiawar, took away Delegate powers to Region Control in December 2004, by saying that it was a temporary measure for a few weeks. We have had many Delegate changes since, but our Founder has not given up Region Control to the Delegate.
That is not the problem. He is extremely inactive. He is on vacation mode, logs in on the 59th day for 2 minutes, and that is it. That is all for his activity. Currently, he is on a 19-day inactivity streak. The region is a ripe target for invaders and spammers, and we have several changes to make to the Factbook Entry, none of which is possible because the Founder has hogged up all regional power, and is inactive.
I had made a request for this back in February, under my ex-nation of Shonar Bangla. Then, the moderators said that we must wait for the Founder to die, and then, Delegate automatically gets the power.
Ever since, Kathiawar HAS died, when power did go temporarily to the Delegate, but he immediately resurrected, and again hogged up the power and went inactive.
Now, all I request is that you guys go in yourselves and give power to the Delegate. I will get as many other possible nation-states in the region of India to sign this petition.
Thank you,
Saffron Tigers