Please delete topic
Aligned Planets
15-05-2005, 08:56
What do you think of the power of the stars? (
Hi there!
The above link is in the Gameplay section of the forums, advertising a region. Could one of you mods move it, or delete it please?
Thanks :)
The Most Glorious Hack
15-05-2005, 09:30
Invalid link
Gameplay is supposed to have Regional ads in it.
15-05-2005, 09:33
As it happens, I moved it to Gameplay from Nationstates. And as my most glorious colleague states, Gameplay is the place for it.
~ Tsar the Mod.
Aligned Planets
15-05-2005, 09:52
Oh - sorry, that would be my bad! The link did work when I hyper-linked it in this topic, and I was just going by my interpretation of the stickies.
Whoops - sorry to have bothered you! :)
GMC Military Arms
15-05-2005, 10:35
The originals were in NS and General. The one in General [the linked one] was TOTALLY DESTROYED and the one in NS [] locked. There's now ANOTHER one in Gameplay.