UN Proposal Deleted?
Having received a "proposal deleted for game mechanics violation" telegram, I'd like clarification of what mechanic this violated.
In the Interest of International Exchange and Banking, and in order to better encourage free trade between the nations of our membership,
The United Nations hereby:
DECLARES the United Nations Stable Dollar (USD) to be the benchmark currency against which all other currencies are to be measured;
NOTES all national currency shall be exchangeable for USDs of equivalent value, as determined by that day’s exchange rate, at any banking or equivalent governmental facility at no penalty;
NOTES FURTHER the USD shall be exchangeable for local currency of equivalent value, as determined by that day’s exchange rate, at any banking or equivalent governmental facility at no penalty.
Thank you for your time in clarification.
I would expect it is because it is another " let us go and try to insert into N.S. via the U.N. a universal monetary unti on game-play and assume the requisite rest will also fall into place and help us, " e.g. stock exchange, etc. I'd therefore say " game-play / coding " violation, if I had to put money on it, heh.
GMC Military Arms
13-05-2005, 11:14
Komokom is right, you can't declare a universal currency by UN resolution. Game mechanics does not forgive.
Komokom is right, you can't declare a universal currency by UN resolution. Game mechanics does not forgive.
So even a trade or midlevel currency is illegal. Hm. Learn something new every day, thank you. :)
Sorry if this is extremely bothersome, but I was wondering how this thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=404164) (in the UN forum) should be read in light of the recent proposal deletion. That would help me a lot in interpreting discussions that may have become irrelevant due to more recent moderator rulings. For example, can something be illegal in one game moderator's eyes but fine in another's? Thanks for the help.
In the thread Krioval referenced, see post #5 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8412383&postcount=5) and post #7 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8418827&postcount=7) and post #12 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8419216&postcount=12) - these are from Hack, and from his responses, I assumed this proposal would be legal.
I'd also like to know if there's been a formal "black mark" put on my record, and if so, would ask that it be removed in light of these moderator responses to the same idea previously.
Thank you.
Looking at hack's responses i think it would be legal but im not a mod or been her that long but i agree with you
The Most Glorious Hack
14-05-2005, 02:30
I'll look over this.
In the Interest of International Exchange and Banking, and in order to better encourage free trade between the nations of our membership,
The United Nations hereby:
DECLARES the United Nations Stable Dollar (USD) to be the benchmark currency against which all other currencies are to be measured;
NOTES all national currency shall be exchangeable for USDs of equivalent value, as determined by that day’s exchange rate, at any banking or equivalent governmental facility at no penalty;
NOTES FURTHER the USD shall be exchangeable for local currency of equivalent value, as determined by that day’s exchange rate, at any banking or equivalent governmental facility at no penalty.T.R. Kom, in the interest of giving an extended opinion on this proposal, due to his initial calling of " Nyet, ces't de Game Play thangs " on the topic and in order to better encourage the * resolution of this issue for all involved,
* ( only a slight pun was meant here, <_< )
DECLARES that he likes the first clause, and the entire concept itself to some degree. It is all you want to do, really, and it is the second and third clause in which you really strike shoot-down problems when you try to explain how to facilitate it in too much detail. Of course, I think you'd be better calling it the UNSD, as " USD " I reckon is still going to spark the " history - lite " folks calling it the United States Dollar.
And then I'll have to find them and kill them. N.S. is going to cost me a fortune in air-fares if I do, mind you.
NOTES that his personal problem with the second clause is that it implies game-play components being in place, like " by that day’s exchange rate ", which are certainly not in place, as we all know. It is easy to say you might mean it all " Role Play " wise, Vastiva, but this still implies actual coded game-play ramifications which are a definate no-no when they are not around in reality to allow such financial transmogrifications. Woot, I used my word of the day.
NOTES FURTHER, that he recalls it really ought to be " UNSD " or " UND ", also that " the USD shall be exchangeable for local currency of equivalent value, " is another problem, as we're specifically talking some kind of " currency converter " concept here, also something I expect to find, " Missing, Presumed Not Going To Be Coded In On A Whim To Suit Your Proposal right Now ", I'm afraid. Again, the Role play argument won't help, as if people realy want this level of detail, they'll, sure as apples is apples, end up in disputes about value meaning Moderation Staff may have to step in and crack some heads together
This P.O.V. requires @@MODERATOR@@ endorsements to bring to " quorum ".
( Yes, I got bored when I wrote this, <_< )
Oh, and in closing, you may want to mention the idea of the UND / UNSD being actual legal tender in all U.N. member states, and I'd be curious myself if you'd be able to add " and that non-U.N. member countries may " purchase UND's / UNSD's at no penalty " kind of dealie, too.
Also, I recall a group of folks from NS setting up an off-site dealie kind of World Bank thing related to their NS nations, etc. looked interesting. If I recall just what it was called / where, I'll contact you, if you like.
* Oh, while I'd hope Vastiva hasn't earned the Black Spot ( Arrr ! ) it isn't my place to tell Moderators what to do. Here, that is. I can just find Hack or GMC on #nation_states for that, <_<
~~~~~ >_>
The Most Glorious Hack
14-05-2005, 07:13
Okay. I looked things over, and I retract my statements in the other thread. The creation of a universal currency would indeed be a game mechanics violation.
There's no warning on Vastiva's nation over this. If there had been one, I would have removed it. So you're all good on that front.
Sorry 'bout that.