02-05-2005, 15:12
I checked again today out of curiosity, to see if people had maybe heeded Fris's advice and stopped posting Feline Catfish titled threads.
Judge for yourselves, another four threads with his name in the title, admittedly not all of them are active, but still around ten are, the most annoying thing is, that half the thrreads seem to be the same. "Nation X Responds to Feline Catfish" "Nation Y makes feelings about Feline Catfish known" etc...
Can nothing be done against this wave of spam?
Judge for yourselves, another four threads with his name in the title, admittedly not all of them are active, but still around ten are, the most annoying thing is, that half the thrreads seem to be the same. "Nation X Responds to Feline Catfish" "Nation Y makes feelings about Feline Catfish known" etc...
Can nothing be done against this wave of spam?