17-04-2005, 04:58
I posted this link in general, but was told that the mods might not approve. I don't see why you would disapprove of it, but I just want to check with you guys so I don't get deleted again.
17-04-2005, 05:09
Here ya go: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=398345
All links to albinoblacksheep and ebaumsworld are forbidden. No exceptions.
17-04-2005, 06:01
To clarify; this is because A) Both sites have content which violates our TOS, and B) people were using them, essentially, to spam and flame - there used to be a lot of pictures with various derogatory or offensive captions being posted in lieu of actual posts. There may be a C), but if so I've forgotten it.
If you find something on those sites that's not offensive, obscene, or whatever, and you can find a mirror for it, then you can post that. As always, use your head, and think before you post.
~ Tsar the Mod.