Little question
Crazy girl
08-03-2005, 23:28
are nations allowed to post messages just to bump off other messages in feeders? some messages being nothing else but "bump" ?
08-03-2005, 23:37
are nations allowed to post messages just to bump off other messages in feeders? some messages being nothing else but "bump" ?
I believe that only the founder is allowed to do that.
Tuesday Heights
08-03-2005, 23:41
Then, can someone explain why Myrth did that in The Pacific instead of, as a mod, just deleting it which is customary?
Crazy girl
08-03-2005, 23:44
The Pacific Civil Headquarters
Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
2 hours ago The Ninja-Pirate Chris' Nation of Krulltopia Bump.
116 minutes ago The Unlike Anyone Else Nation of Chosen Men One good bump deserves another.
61 minutes ago The Armed Republic of Conovola Eat S H I T and die slow
60 minutes ago The Cunningly Franco-ish Nation of Black adder Arise my children! Release the Flying Monkeys!
46 minutes ago The Spam Removal Force of Myrth Bump.
45 minutes ago The Spam Removal Force of Myrth Monkeys away!
37 minutes ago The Cunningly Franco-ish Nation of Black adder Myrth! Release those Monkeys! Someone's been ordering Room Service on the PRP tab!
36 minutes ago The Cunningly Franco-ish Nation of Black adder Is it just me or do the recruiters all act like this is the first original way to attract people ever?
34 minutes ago The Republic of Tormac How do I check rankings?
30 minutes ago The Lebensraum of Doppelganger I hate being left out.
seems rules only apply for normal players, not for gamemods and their buddies :p
Crazy girl
08-03-2005, 23:50
found the answer:
2 minutes ago
NationStates Moderators
No one is getting warned this round because the ruling was unclear--our fault. However, we've decided this to be reasonable for advertising an alternate offsite regional forum in that region's message board:
1.) One advertisement/reference per user (NOT per account, so using puppets as a loophole is disallowed) per 24 hour period. This is different from the usual regional advertisement scheme in that each user can post one advertisement if they choose, rather than the entire board/region being represented by a single post.
2.) This must be done so the board does not scroll quickly or is not spammed. This is admittedly a judgement call, but spacing out individual advertisements hourly would seem reasonable.
3.) Using URLs as regional message board signatures is disallowed, as are making junk posts whose only intent is to reference URLs. (NOTE: This may be rescinded in the future; however, the current observed behavior has disappointed us greatly.)
4.) As always, posting messages simply to scroll the message board and thus scroll off information, advertisements, and the like is spam and will be dealt with accordingly.
Everyone who has already advertised their particular off-site forum (you know who you are), please wait until tomorrow before trying again.
this was posted in the north pacific a little while ago..
edit: and the link:
08-03-2005, 23:57
I am not a game mod, so this is not an official ruling. However, this is my interpretation:
I believe that only the founder is allowed to do that.
The founder is allowed to post something like this with no penalty:Clearing spam
Clearing spam
Clearing spam
Clearing spam
Clearing spam
Clearing spam
Clearing spam
Clearing spamIf somebody else does a series of repetive 'clearing' bumps, that's been ruled illegal.
There is no rule that I'm aware of that prevents two or more (non-puppet) players from having a conversation, no matter how silly or irrelevant, and have other messages scroll off the regional board. If we start enforcing a ban of any two consecutive posts, we're gonna need a whole bunch more mods. I think the rules are fine where they are.
09-03-2005, 00:04
That directly contradicts several previous rulings, IIRC especially...
4.) As always, posting messages simply to scroll the message board and thus scroll off information, advertisements, and the like is spam and will be dealt with accordingly.
Isn't spam still spam, irrespective of the source?
Is this only in the big regions, like Pacific etc? Is it okay for those of us in little regions (like ours only has 9 nations, and we all know each other) to post whatever the hell we want, as long as everyone's happy with it? Our board is really just a source of general amusement...
Tuesday Heights
09-03-2005, 00:17
It was rather obvious that they were trying to clear the spam... with simple, "stupid" stuff.
Crazy girl
09-03-2005, 18:06
yeah, so pretty interested in an answer..
Warrior Thorin
10-03-2005, 01:45
What's the problem? These advertisements are getting obnoxious and the people who actually reside there cannot engage in normal conversations.
The last I heard it was okay for residents to engage in conversations, regardless if they "are stupid." And I have posted several times in the past to help move off the advertisements.
I realize that living in a feeder means having to contend with spamvertisements, but is my home and I have a right to move the spam within the rules. When I first started playing players actually used the civil hq, and now trying to get a conversation going is difficult. Many residents are tired of it and are trying reclaim the civil hq.
Recruiters would do far better to individualize their recruiting rather than post messages anyway. That is an effective method of getting players into player created regions.
10-03-2005, 01:50
What's the problem? These advertisements are getting obnoxious and the people who actually reside there cannot engage in normal conversations.
The problem is the perception of an uneven application of previous moderator rulings regarding spam. All the feeders have very nice offsite forums where plenty of conversation can be made in a much more structured environment.
I realize that living in a feeder means having to contend with spamvertisements, but is my home and I have a right to move the spam within the rules.
"Bumping" spam has been previously ruled illegal by moderation...unless I missed something it still is.
10-03-2005, 04:52
The problem is the perception of an uneven application of previous moderator rulings regarding spam.
"Bumping" spam has been previously ruled illegal by moderation...unless I missed something it still is.
Yes, as mentioned above, players are not permitted to spam regional boards even if the purpose is to clear other spam. So you can say Myrth set a bad example. But no regular player is punished for two "bump" posts in The Pacific, where the average life of a post is about 90 minutes, and most of which are... well... less than serious. I'm looking at two bump posts on that board right now. It's a real stretch to suggest that Myrth is somehow getting special treatment because he's not being punished for that.
Steel Butterfly
10-03-2005, 04:55
']Yes, as mentioned above, players are not permitted to spam regional boards even if the purpose is to clear other spam. So you can say Myrth set a bad example. But no regular player is punished for two "bump" posts in The Pacific, where the average life of a post is about 90 minutes, and most of which are... well... less than serious. I'm looking at two bump posts on that board right now. It's a real stretch to suggest that Myrth is somehow getting special treatment because he's not being punished for that.
*Praise the gods! Bring out the sacrifice!*
*Praise the gods! Bring out the sacrifice!*
[violet] lives :o
10-03-2005, 05:36
*Praise the gods! Bring out the sacrifice!*
We must sacrifice a newbie to the great Mods above!
10-03-2005, 06:05
We must sacrifice a newbie to the great Mods above!
*Pushes Neo-Anarchists into the fire*
10-03-2005, 06:09
Ah, shaddup. :)
Tuesday Heights
10-03-2005, 06:15
']Ah, shaddup. :)
And [violet] comandeth you all!
Crazy girl
10-03-2005, 06:46
90 minutes? where have you been?
sure, in the good old days, messages didn't stay on there for longer than that, but now messages often stay on for hours. unless people start bumping. but seems it's legal once again.
the pacific: oldest post 2 hours
the north pacific: 5 hours
the south pacific: 5 hours
the east pacific: 6 hours
the west pacific: 8 hours
the rejected realms: 5 hours
10-03-2005, 09:06
And [violet] comandeth you all!
And all this time I thought [violet] was just a myth.:D
Of course, back in the Bad Old Days ( Dark times, where 5 in a row " double-posts " were a every-day thing for some of the un-lucky ), when these here forums were just a fantasy, a wet dream to the more devoted acolytes, we called it [violet] just as written upon the holy script at the bottom of the Old Forums. Back when one could see those whom stalked beside them in the dark-ness at a mere glance ... yes ... takes me back, this sign from above us, takes me back, it does ...
The New Duce
10-03-2005, 19:23
The ADN is so pitiful.
Hail the Pacific!
The New Duce
Pacific Spam Removal Team
Tuesday Heights
10-03-2005, 20:20
The ADN is so pitiful.
Flamebait for sacrifice anyone? :rolleyes:
90 minutes? where have you been?
the pacific: oldest post 2 hours
I think [violet] meant to add 'give or take half an hour'. ;)
Crazy girl
10-03-2005, 21:29
with those bump messages, sure.
just compare to the other mega regions.
Haken Rider
10-03-2005, 21:39
Myrth is a meanie.
Bishop Sam
10-03-2005, 21:44
Myrth is a meanie.
Shhhh. [violet] has ordered us to "shaddup".
Are you trying to bring the wrath of the Mods down upon you? :confused:
The New Duce
10-03-2005, 22:14
Flamebait for sacrifice anyone? :rolleyes:
No it isn't. It is the ADNers who are wasting the mods' time with their complaints.
10-03-2005, 22:19
You've been given a ruling straight from an Admin. Few of the posts since then appear to be relevant or useful. iLock.
--The Modified Democratic States of Cogitation