Most Respected NSer thread
23-02-2005, 22:34
It's turned into a big argument even though Keruvalia asked people to take their arguments out of the thread, the poor guy has to go through and count votes and all he's gonna get is pages and pages of people arguing and it isn't fair on him, people have tried telling them to stop arguing there and they won't listen so I was wondering if one of the mods could warn them to stop?
23-02-2005, 22:35
This post has me pissed off and I'm not even really involved in the thread! (
All these ridiculous popularity contests are bound to erupt into arguing whether we intervene or not. C'est la vie...
All these ridiculous popularity contests are bound to erupt into arguing whether we intervene or not. C'est la vie...
agreed. online popularity contests are the epitome of nerdiness.
23-02-2005, 23:08
If people want to have these contests, then to my mind I feel they should be held up to dissent. If we can't, then the whole contest is null and void. Let people voice their opinions on the nominations. As long as they are not flaming, I don't see the problem.
23-02-2005, 23:12
I believe it is my friend who has a picture of a retarded boy running in a field and the quote goes as follows:
"Arguing on the internet is like the Special Olympics; Even if you win, you're still a retard"
Tuesday Heights
23-02-2005, 23:44
I believe it is my friend who has a picture of a retarded boy running in a field and the quote goes as follows:
"Arguing on the internet is like the Special Olympics; Even if you win, you're still a retard"
And that's sick.
Vittos Ordination
24-02-2005, 00:51
If people want to have these contests, then to my mind I feel they should be held up to dissent. If we can't, then the whole contest is null and void. Let people voice their opinions on the nominations. As long as they are not flaming, I don't see the problem.
Then voice positive opinions, otherwise keep it to yourself.
24-02-2005, 00:52
All these ridiculous popularity contests are bound to erupt into arguing whether we intervene or not. C'est la vie...
These contests aren't ridiculous to everyone. Theres a lot of kids on here and kids always love these kind of things. What is ridiculous is how some so called adult people on here use it as an opportunity to personally attack others.
Obviously she was talking about her. Where is the line drawn?
Most kids on here tend to stoop to personally attacking others more than adults do. And their attacks are usually filled with cussing and the sorta stuff
Lascivious Maximus
24-02-2005, 01:21
Ok, I've never felt the need to post in Moderation before - this however is an instance where I will step in.
I know that my opinion in here is likely not valued very highly, but for what it's worth these threads are valuable for entertainment only. Time and time again though, despite many efforts on behalf of myself and others to show otherwise, this was a point which was sorely overlooked. There is never any need to resort to personal attacks (and there were several on both sides whether those involved will admit to it or not). I'm not going to point the dirty finger, because there would be four more pointed right back at me... but I will say this; we all need to grow up. People that have said hurtful things (you know who you are) have a debt to themselves to settle differences once and for all and move on.
If there are to be more 'competitions' as such (and it's inevitable that there will be), I would hope that people therein might actually learn from previous battle scars. At the lesson ought to be that there is no point in saying something if what you have to contribute is overtly spiteful or immature. Contributing posts that are any less than constructive and stated in a positive manner constitutes of nothing more than slinging mud - and there has been plenty of this on both sides.
There is no need for mod intervention, there is a need however for people to grow up. Kindess, patience, and tolerance are three virtues I think we could handle the advent of within these forum walls at times.
Thank you.
24-02-2005, 03:17
These contests aren't ridiculous to everyone. Theres a lot of kids on here and kids always love these kind of things. What is ridiculous is how some so called adult people on here use it as an opportunity to personally attack others.
Obviously she was talking about her. Where is the line drawn?
The line is drawn when you're flaming some one or flamebaiting, which I did none of the above. I stated things that are all a matter of public domain that any one on this site can find to support what I said. That being said, Tink and I have settled it on our own. We are so back to :fluffle:
Any one who has a problem with Tink or I, should take it up with Tink or I, because we will tell you quite frankly it's been over for days. We settled it, and we didn't need to come to moderation to do so.
24-02-2005, 03:37
Mmkay ... as the originator of the thread, can I request it be emptied of all content but the first post, showing the winner, and then be locked?
Or, at least, just locked?
Thanks. :)