NationStates Jolt Archive

Thread Hijacking after prior warning

24-12-2004, 01:10
Cherry Ridge is posting in a closed thread, and trying to provoke me on and off AIM, could I have his 2 posts in this thread: Deleated...

24-12-2004, 01:58
Might I also add that the thread is closed, and it was stated so, with a list of people who are allowed to post...
24-12-2004, 02:05
If you have been in a RP with Cherry Ridge, and players got angry, it's best to just ignore the whole thing and find players where everyone can play nice. What you seem to be doing is closing him out of a RP where you are invading him. This is a poor show of RP etiquette and personally, I'd call it a form of trolling.
24-12-2004, 02:29
Actually, we are RPing how we are going to get rid of him... I have also specifically stated, that if he so chooses to return to an RP where he will not godmod, than we shall, but otherwise, we will continue the RP. Frankly, he's just posting so I will retaliate.
24-12-2004, 02:44
Siesatia, read the sticky on Godmodding. You can not RP invading a nation and, at the same time, exclude him from the RP. If he has godmodded your prior RP, just ignore it. If y'all can't RP and have fun, it's best to just move on to other things. Personally, I think this thread smacks of trying to use the mods as a tool to work out frustrations from a RP.
Cherry Ridge
28-12-2004, 20:23
He is excluding me from an RP where it takes place on MY land. Tiborita said just about everything. They were RPing my leader, MY citizen. It is trolling, godmod, and flamebait.