NationStates Jolt Archive

ongoing griefing in the urbanites?

Crazy girl
13-12-2004, 00:06
you might want to look at this...


World Factbook Entry: Today is a Glorious Day for all of Invader Kind! Today, I, Groznia officially declare my invasion of Urbanites and dedicate it to The DEN. TITO be warned, every half hour a native shall be ejected until the occupation of DEN ends.
If it does not then Urbanites shall end. You have 24 hours to comply. I am not a bluffing man and I no longer care if I am deleted, I do this FOR DEN AND FOR INVADERS EVERYWHERE!

UN Delegate: FlagThe Supreme Groznian Lordship of U75 (elected 3 days ago).

Urbanites contains 62 nations. [List all nations]

Today's United Nations Report
The Fastest-Growing Economies in Urbanites

The following nations have the fastest growing economies.
# Nation UN Category Motto
1. FlagThe Republic of HestraelUN Member Left-wing Utopia "Free Cheescake For All"
2. FlagThe Communist Holy Dominion of Lord EdwardUN Member Compulsory Consumerist State "Time, Dr. Freeman? Is it really that time again?"
3. FlagThe Corrupt Incorporated States of Free IuthiaUN Member Left-Leaning College State "Democracy shall pervail... we hope."
4. FlagThe Silver State of Spoffin Civil Rights Lovefest "What could be more fun than participating in democracy?"
5. FlagThe Aristocratical Democracy of ZvarinogradUN Member Capitalizt "Information is the key principle of warfare."
6. FlagThe Imperial Republic of HydorUN Member Father Knows Best State "Don't Eat cheese before bed time"
7. FlagThe Dominion of Foolish Pesants Iron Fist Consumerists "You would feel better with some holes....."
8. FlagThe Most Serene Republic of Saint Dumas Capitalist Paradise "As Above, So Below"
9. FlagThe Community of Inhumanoids Compulsory Consumerist State "The evil that lies within"
10. FlagThe Majestic Empire of Building BabylonUN Member Inoffensive Centrist Democracy "Great things happen in desolated places"
Page: < 1 2 3 4 ... 6 7 >

Regional Happenings

* 1 minute ago: The Dictatorship of Altmer arrived from The Rejected Realms.
* 12 minutes ago: The Republic of Dynamic Demolitions 2 departed this region for The East Pacific
* 15 minutes ago: The Corrupt Incorporated States of Free Iuthia departed this region for The Rejected Realms
* 15 minutes ago: The Supreme Groznian Lordship of U75 ejected The Corrupt Incorporated States of Free Iuthia from the region.
* 22 minutes ago: The Supreme Groznian Lordship of U75 updated the World Factbook entry.
* 28 minutes ago: The Republic of Dynamic Demolitions 2 arrived from The DEN.
* 3 hours ago: The Republic of Hestrael departed this region for The Rejected Realms
* 3 hours ago: The Supreme Groznian Lordship of U75 ejected The Republic of Hestrael from the region.
* 3 hours ago: The Kingdom of Tar-Palantir departed this region for The Rejected Realms
* 3 hours ago: The Supreme Groznian Lordship of U75 ejected The Kingdom of Tar-Palantir from the region.

Urbanites Civil Headquarters

Messages from regional members are co-ordinated here.
Lodged From Message
13 hours ago The Kingdom of Tar-Palantir We fear nothing, except fear itself.
8 hours ago The Supreme Groznian Lordship of U75 I'm glad to say the invaders reconsidered and headed to help DEN.
4 hours ago The Most Serene Republic of The Yellow Iris I believe we should have a secretary of security, or a military leader. We could use one to manage and maintain our regions freedom and once we are secrured, possbily help others gain freedom as well.
3 hours ago The Supreme Groznian Lordship of U75 I agree with that, perhaps I could lead it?
3 hours ago The Supreme Groznian Lordship of U75 Tar-Palantir was ejected for removing his endorsement from me, which is consider treason during our time of need.

Hestrael did not endorse me either and it appears he's being endorsed again by new arrivals, though he may deny this I believe that he is aware of his crime.
2 hours ago The Benevolent Dictatorship of Iuthia Crime?

Ohwell... this is going to probably get ugly.
79 minutes ago The Dominion of Foolish Pesants Hestrael was ejected for some illusionary Crime? Whilst some may find your paranoia laudable, I can only find it laughable.
76 minutes ago The Benevolent Dictatorship of Iuthia Well... not supporting the delegate at this time with your UN nation is "treason" remember. So getting endorsements is a crime. Especially from new nations.
46 minutes ago The 10000 Islands Ambassadorship of Jesion An open letter to U75:

I think this has gone way too far.

TITO and the 10KI are no longer receiving reports of any invasion attempts. Even if an invasion were to take place, you know you can count on us and the RLA to step in and defend you with great force. You have very strong alliances, so I think you can worry much less about your security and having every single nation endorse you. I think you are exaggerating your "time of need," which has largely ended.

Invaders have moved on to other battles, in The DEN for example. Trust me, as an ambassador my first concern is the security of this region. But I believe you are secure now and will be secure in the future. You won't need defender armies helping you if you have strong natives, and kicking out your most valuable members won't encourage that.

Hestrael has been here since the Urbanites creation. He is not seeking to take the delegacy by force or any other method. Tar-Palantir has also been around for quite some time. His actions were not "treason" by any means, but a simple choice. Freedom should be not be compromised in the name of security.

I urge you to unban these nations and make amends. If you lose your longtime natives, I'm not sure what this region stands for. Remember why this region was founded--for members of the Urban75 collective, of which Hestrael was a member. He does not mean this region harm by any means. I think you can only hope he comes back.

If you continue to move off course and toward dictatorship, I'm not sure how much support you'll even get from defenders.

With concern and respect,
Jesion - 10000 Islands Ambassador
25 minutes ago The Benevolent Dictatorship of Iuthia Thankyou for that. Much appreciated, should you guys need help I would be much obligued to help you in the future. Thanks for looking after our troubled region.
13-12-2004, 01:02
Dealt with.