Rejected Proposal
08-12-2004, 14:47
Im assuming a proposal I put forward was rejected, and while I accept that my that proposal was a light hearted attempt to inject a little humour into things I still think it would have been nice to have been notified that my proposal had been rejected (despite gathering more approvals than most propsals around it)
What is the point of playing a game if one cant be kept informed of the simple basics of whats happening.
Is it too much effort to post out some notification that a proposal has been rejected...its not exactly as if there are millions of them to go through....
Tuesday Heights
08-12-2004, 14:59
First, wrong forum.
Second, you know the NS rules, you purposefully submitted a illegal UN proposal... who cares if they inform you of its rejection/elimination? You can easily go through the list and see that it's not there.
Third, the moderators have thousands of queries a day to handle, yours is almost insignificant. Wanting to get telegrammed that you broke the rules willingly when you already were aware of that?
08-12-2004, 15:05
With all due respect who are you one of the people who runs the game ?
Well, considering TH has been here since last November, I think he/she knows a bit about how the game works.
08-12-2004, 15:45
And what a 'friendly' and 'welcoming' way to use his knowledge.....Ive only been here a week and what a heinous crime I used the wrong forum misinterpreting the phrase 'issues'... maybe you should put forward a UN proposal ..'people commiting the sin of posting on the wrong board should be shot'
08-12-2004, 16:00
Please, everybody calm down.
While it certainly would be preferable for a mod to send out a long and detailed message explaining matters whenever a mod action is taken, this cannot be done due to simple practicality: there are a LOT of tasks for mods and their time is limited. They're volunteers, not paid to run this site 24/7.
Maybe at some point in the future the system could notify a proposal submitter automatically when and if their proposal was removed due to it violating a rule. Implementing stuff like this also takes time and effort, and is also done on a volunteer basis.
NationStates is a work in progress. Continuously new things are added, and problems addressed. There's quite a queue on the to-do list, and I think this is an item worthy of addition to the list if it's not on it yet. However, even then that still means it will take a long time before this gets implemented.
Tuesday Heights
08-12-2004, 20:19
And what a 'friendly' and 'welcoming' way to use her knowledge.....Ive only been here a week and what a heinous crime I used the wrong forum misinterpreting the phrase 'issues'... maybe you should put forward a UN proposal ..'people commiting the sin of posting on the wrong board should be shot'
Usually, posting in the wrong forums gets you an "FU n00b" no response; I responded, too, along with just letting you know that the Technical forum wasn't a place for moderator issues.
Also, not the chance in your response above. ;)
08-12-2004, 20:28
Not to be mean or anything, but proposals that go against UN Resolutions are illegal. I would suggest that you read through the resolutions before making a proposal.
The Most Glorious Hack
09-12-2004, 13:03
It'd probably help if you said what the proposal was...
What became of npamh
09-12-2004, 13:30
yes, you mentioned that you had a proposal but havent said what it was. was it the bare breast act by any chance? i was wondering why that one didnt materialise, it seemed legitimate enough.